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Boys/Girls = approx 107/100

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Q: What is the offspring ratio of humans?
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What will be the phenotype ratio of the offspring?

9:3:3:1 is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring.

What is phenotypic ratio?

It is the ratio of physical characteristics of parents and the potential offspring traits. It is the ratio of physical characteristics of parents and the potential offspring traits.

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In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

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The combination Cc has a 50% chance of having a cleft chin trait, while the combination cc will always result in offspring without a cleft chin. Therefore, the ratio of offspring with a cleft chin to offspring without a cleft chin from the cross Cc and cc is 1:1.

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Suck dickkk bitchh

What are the predicted ratio of ofsprings in a mating of AAA and AAA?

The predicted ratio of offspring in a mating of AAA and AAA would be 100% AAA. Since both parents have the same genotype, all of their offspring will inherit the same genotype.

Do humans only pass sex-linked traits to their offspring?

Humans only pass traits, sex-linked or not, to their offspring. There is no way to pass a trait to anyone except offspring unless through gene implant.

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Can humans mate with goats?

No, not legally, and no offspring can be created.

How many chromosomes would be in an offspring?

An offspring typically inherits 23 chromosomes from each parent, resulting in a total of 46 chromosomes in humans.

What are icosuplets?

Icosuplets are 20 offspring at once for humans.