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Q: What is the operation for input numbers 5 10 15 20 25 30 output numbers 4 5 6 7 8 9 10?
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What is the math definition for input output tables?

A table in which you put in a number and out comes another number. Usually more than one groups of numbers. And almost ALWAYS follows a rule such as: Input x3=Output or Input -23= Output Input | Output 2 | 4 10 | 20 16 | 32 In this table you can see that the rule is Input x2 = Output Hope This helped!

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If you know that the number input will always be three digits: output = 10 * (int)(input / 100) + (input % 10); If you want to idiot proof it (eg. too many digits): output = 10 * (int)((input % 1000) / 100) + (input % 10);

How do you do in and out in math?

Assuming by in you mean input and out you mean output. Input is the value that goes in while the output is the value you receive. Between these terms is a rule, called the nth term that will always work to help you find the input/output. For example. Our input is 2, and our output is 10 the rule here could be the input multiplied by 5 equals the output, or it can be something extremely difficult and unfathomable even to a banker...

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A 10 KVA 3-phase UPS will have an input and output current that depends on the specific voltage of the system. You can calculate the current by dividing the apparent power (in this case 10 KVA) by the square root of 3 multiplied by the voltage. For example, for a 208V system, the input and output current would be approximately 28.8 amps.

What sentence expresses the pattern of Fn if a table shows some input and output values for a function named Fn?

The output is 1 more than 10 times the input.

What is the quantity of output of this equation The numbers are not filled and you have to answer the numbers for the dollar signs and to do this you have to use the quantity of output formula.$$$10?

The answer is the quantity of the two numbers

What number would you have to use as input if you wanted 40 as the output?

The answer depends on what the "number machine" does. For example, if it quadruples, the input should be 10; if it halves, the input should 80; if it adds 10, the input should be 30; and so on.

A receiver requires 10nW as input power if all the system losses add up to 50dB then how much power is required from the source?

here, the power required by the receiver is the output power and that required from the source is input power. Gain in dB=10 log(output power/input power) we have, loss in dB = -gain in dB = 10 log(input power/output power) or, 50 = 10 log(input power/10nW) or, anti-log(5) = input power/10 nW so the power required from the source is antilog(5)*10nW = 1 mW

Simple c programs for practice?

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How IC 7402 can be connected to use NOR gate?

IC 7402 is different from the other type of IC like 7404,7408,7432 and 7400 when it is connected to have an output desired... if you noticed all i mentioned ic is connected from left to the right. input pin 1 and 2, output pin 3 input pin 4 and 5, output pin 6 input pin 13 and 12, output pin 11 input pin 10 and 9, output pin 8 while in nor gate, to have the desired output it must be connected from right to left... input pin 2 and 3, output pin 1 input pin 5 and 6, output pin 4 input pin 8 and 9, output pin 10 input pin 11 and 12, output pin 13