It depends on how your looking at it.
If you mean for the middle to be zero, than it has no opposite. It is right in the middle of the number line.
However, if the middle is 1 (Like with division) than the opposite of zero is infinity. To explain, we will use the fraction 1/x. The smaller x is, the larger the number turns out to be.
x = 5, 1/x = .2
x = 1, 1/x = 1
x = .05, 1/x = 20
So, we must assume that when you divide 1 by zero, the number with the smallest absolute value, the answer must be the biggest it can possibly get. It must be infinity.
In binary computing, the opposite of zero (off) is one (on). But they are not additive opposites. Zero may be considered it's own additive opposite, as only zero plus zero can equal zero.
But it IS its own ADDITIVE opposite.
They are 0 which is its own additive opposite. 0 does not have a multiplicative opposite.
0 as the opposite of 3 is -3. 3+ (-3) = 0
Zero is the only number that's its own opposite. While 0 is technically not signed (it's neither positive nor negative), it meets the definition for being its own opposite because 0 + 0 = 0.
Because the opposite of 8 for example is -8 and 8+(-8) = 0
But it IS its own ADDITIVE opposite.
They are 0 which is its own additive opposite. 0 does not have a multiplicative opposite.
0 as the opposite of 3 is -3. 3+ (-3) = 0
zero has no opposite * * * * * While it is true that zero has no multiplicative opposite (or inverse), it certainly has an additive inverse, and that is also zero, since 0 + 0 = 0
Zero does not have an opposite * * * * * While it is true that zero has no multiplicative opposite (or inverse), it certainly has an additive inverse, and that is also zero, since 0 + 0 = 0
:0 raw or uncooked 0:
Zero is the only number that's its own opposite. While 0 is technically not signed (it's neither positive nor negative), it meets the definition for being its own opposite because 0 + 0 = 0.
Sometimes. The opposite of zero depends on the type of function under consideration. For example, the additive opposite of zero is zero. The multiplicative opposite is not defined.
They are opposite if a + (-A) = 0
the number 0 is always equal to its opposite
zero is its own opposite. 0 + -0 = 0
Because the opposite of 8 for example is -8 and 8+(-8) = 0