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That depends on what kind of gears, wires, and functions are inside the box.

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Q: What is the output for an input number of 5?
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input number = 5 what is the output number=?


What is the rule when the input is 1 and the output is 5 and input is 5 and output is 1 and input is 9 and output is -3?

The rule appears to be a linear relationship between the input and output values. When the input increases by 4 (from 1 to 5), the output decreases by 4 (from 5 to 1). Similarly, when the input increases by another 4 (from 5 to 9), the output decreases by 4 again (from 1 to -3). Therefore, the rule seems to be that for every increase of 4 in the input, the output decreases by 4.

What is the definition of input number?

The definiton of input number is the number going in. The input number is the oppsite of the output number. For instance:Input Output1 52 103 154 205 25The rule of the input and output number is input times five equals output.

Example of output is?

Input: "3+2" --- Output: "5" Input: "song.mp3" ---- Output: the music you listen to

A machine with a 5-n input force and a 25-n output force has a mechanical advantage of?

Mechanical advantage can be calculated as the ratio of output force to input force. In this case, the mechanical advantage would be 25 N (output force) divided by 5 N (input force), which equals 5. So, the mechanical advantage of the machine is 5.

If 4 is a input and 40 is the output and 7 is and input and 55 is the output and11 is and input and 75 is a output what is the rule?

Multiply by 5 and add 20 (or equivalently, add 4 and then multiply by 5)

What is the greatest output current value from an8-bit input DAC that has an output of 4.5mA when the input binary number is 101101010110?

Output is be maximum when input binary number is 111111111111 and that value comes around 6.35mv.

What is the output number if the input number is 100?


What is the math definition for input output tables?

A table in which you put in a number and out comes another number. Usually more than one groups of numbers. And almost ALWAYS follows a rule such as: Input x3=Output or Input -23= Output Input | Output 2 | 4 10 | 20 16 | 32 In this table you can see that the rule is Input x2 = Output Hope This helped!

What is the rule to determine how to get the output number from the input number?

The rule that determines the output number based on the input number is known as a function. For example take the function: f(x) = x+1. F is the name of our function, x is the input number, and f(x) is our output number. So if our input number is 3, our function or "rule" says to add one to it. Therefore, f(x), known as the output number, would be 4 since 3+1 = 4.

What is then output value if the input value is 5?


How do you find an output number when you know the input number?

All you have to do is look at your input number and then see how many fit goes up by like say it goes up by 1,2,3,4,5... Then you think of an output number that can go up by 1,2,3,4,5.... Than you will find your answer of the input number