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46 ft.

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Q: What is the perimeter of a rectangle that is 5 ft x 18 ft?
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What is the perimeter of a rectangle 4 times 5?

4+4+5+5=18= perimeter

Can two parallelograms have the same perimeter but different areas?

yes, for example: a 4 by 5 rectangle has an area of 20 and a perimeter of 18 a 2 by 7 rectangle has an area of 14 and a perimeter of 18 they both have a perimeter of 18

What is the Periphere of the rectangle measuring 5' 4'?

The perimeter, as it is formally known, is 2*(Length + Breadth) = 2*(5' + 4') = 2*9' = 18 ft.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 18 feet and the area of the rectangle is 20 square feet what is the width of the rectangle?


If a perimeter is 22 ft what is rectangle with an area larger than 30?


What is The length of a rectangle is 3 inches less than twice the width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 18 inches find the width of the rectangle?

Length of rectangle is 5 inches and its width is 4 inches Check: 2*(5+4) = 18 inches which is its perimeter

How do you make a shape with 18 area and 20 perimeter?

a 4*5 rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 18 feet and the area of the rectangle is 20 square feetWhat is the length of the rectangle?

Length: 4; Width: 5 or Length: 5; Width: 4

The length of a rectangle is 5cm more than its width The perimeter of the rectangle is 46 What is the length of the rectangle?

Divide the known perimeter by 2... giving 23. 23 - 5 = 18. 18 /2 = 9. 9 + 5 = 14 ! To confirm the answer... 14 + 14 + 9 + 9 = 46.

What is the area and perimeter of a rectangle if you have the numbers 18 and 5?

The answer will depend on what those numbers represent and their units. It is possible that the question gives 18 and 5 units as the length and width of a rectangle and requires you to find the area and perimeter. Or It is possible that the question has given 18 in some units and 5 in some other units and requires you to determine which one could be the area and which the perimeter.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle 5 meter by 650 centimeters?

What is the perimeter of a rectangle 5 meter by 650 centimeters?

What is the perimeter if a 4 centimeters 5 centimeters rectangle?

It equals 18. Add the sides together.