The place value of 0 in 2607 is 0. In this number, 0 represents no additional value in the thousands place.
Zero hundreds
Place value 0 in tens place is always 0 because 0 has no value.
It's in the hundreds place and it tells you that there are no hundreds in this particular number
The Arabs originally invented the number 0 and the concept of using it to hold place value, during the middle ages. That is why 0-9 are called Arabic numerals.
The place value of 0 in 2607 is 0. In this number, 0 represents no additional value in the thousands place.
It is a place value holder of 0 in the thousands place in the given number which tells you that there is a difference between 58372 and 580372
It is the tens' place.
Zero hundreds
Place value 0 in tens place is always 0 because 0 has no value.
difference between place value of 0 and 7 in following number 5278093
By itself, it has a value of nothing - which is NOT the same as it has no value. When in a string of digits it is a place holder. For example, 105 is not the same as 15 because the 0 in the first number tells you that the 1 is in the hundreds' place and not the tens' place as it is in the second number.
0 is in tens place.
It's in the hundreds place and it tells you that there are no hundreds in this particular number