

What is the value of 0 in integers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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By itself, it has a value of nothing - which is NOT the same as it has no value. When in a string of digits it is a place holder. For example, 105 is not the same as 15 because the 0 in the first number tells you that the 1 is in the hundreds' place and not the tens' place as it is in the second number.

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The distance from 0 of an integer is called its absolute value, or magnitude.

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No. The additive identity, 0, is the only value such that A*0 = 0 for any non-zero element A of the set.

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9 of them.0, +-1, +-2, +-3, and +-4.

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There is nothing "in" digits. Digits are single characters representing the ten integers from 0 to 9 (inclusive).

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The absolute value is the "magnitude" of a number relative to 0. In real numbers, this is essentially the distance between a number from 0 on the number line. For example, -3 is 3 integers from 0, so |-3| or abs(-3) = 3. 3 is also 3 integers from 0, so |3| or abs(3) = 3 as well. |0| = 0. In complex numbers a + ib, | | is defined as sqrt(a2 + b2).

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The absolute value of a number is how many spaces the number is away from 0. So if the number was 32, the absolute value would be 32. And if the number was -54, then the absolute value would be 54. ========== The definition of "absolute value" for a number x (written as |x| ) is: |x| = x for x >0 |x| = 0 for x=0 |x| = -x for x<0

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Negative integers, zero and the positive integers, together form the set of integers.

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The ratio of integers to rational numbers is 0.

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When one or both of the integers is/are zero.a*b=0 if a=0, b=0, or both a and b are equal to 0. In other words, if one or both integers are zero.