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If 10 out of 26 are girls, then the probability of randomly choosing a boy is 16 out of 26, or 8 out of 13, or about 0.6154.

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Q: What is the probability a boy is chosen if their are 26 kids and 10 are girls?
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There is no simple answer to the question because the children's genders are not independent events. They depend on the parents' ages and their genes. However, if you assume that they are independent events then, given that the probability of a boy is approx 0.52, the required probability is 0.3126.

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Yes he does, he has 2 girls and a boy.

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The probability of exactly 3 girls in a family of 10 children, assuming equal chance of a boy or girl, is 0.1172. This is a binomial distribution.

What is the probability of a child being a boy?

It depends on the context: if you select a child at random from a girls' school, the probability is 0, while if it is at a boys' school it is 1!