

Best Answer

You will get different answers depending on whether you mean:

  • five times over a large number of rolls (a near certainty),
  • five times in the first five rolls (1/65 = 1/7776 = 0.000129 approx)
  • five times in a row over a large number of rolls (a near certainty).
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Q: What is the probability of a number cube landing on six five times?
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What is the experimental probability of landing on 5 if a number cube is tossed twenty times and lands on 1 two times and lands on 5 four times?

The experimental probability of a number cube that lands on 5 four times in a twenty toss trial is Pexp(5) = 4/20 = 1/5 = 0.20 = 20%

What is the probability of a cube that is numbered 1-6 landing on a prime number?


What is the probability of landing on the number three?

The answer depends on WHAT is landed: a number cube, a tetrahedral die, some other polyhedron, a spinner?

What is the probability of the coin landing on tails and rolling a six on the number cube?

1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12

Flip coin 50 times and toss number cube 5o times what is the probability.?

The question does not say which event the probability is required for!

What is the probability of rolling a 4 on a number cube and flipping tails on a coin?

The probability of rolling any number on a cube can be represented by the formula: X / the number of variables. Since any cube has 6 sides, the probability of rolling any of the numbers 1 through 6 on the cube, can be represented by the formula: X = 1 / 6 = 16.66% The odds or probability of flipping a coin and landing it on either side can be represented by X = the requested result / the number of variables = 1 /2 = 50% Therefore, given the two questions of probability, there is a much greater chance of landing a coin on "tails" rather than rolling a "4".

What is the probability of a sum of 5 on a number cube?

The answer depends on how many times it is rolled.

What is the probability of rolling a odd number three times on a fair number cube?


Why Based on the experimental probability predict the number of times that you will roll a 5 if you roll the number cube 300 times.?

The expectation is 50 times.

If a number cube is rolled 4 times what is the probability that the same number is rolled at least twice?

It is 0.722... recurring.

What is the probability of rolling a 9 when a number cube is rolled 4 times?

A number cube is a six sided figure so I'm going to go with 0%

What is the answer to finding the probability when a cube is tossed?

If the cube is uniformly weighted there is a 1 in 6 chance of any side landing face-up