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First draw probability of red is 6/10.

If first draw is red, then second draw probability of red is 5/9.

Multiply the two probabilities to get the overall probability.

6/10 X 5/9 = 30/90 = 1/3

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Q: What is the probability of both marbles being red if there are 6 red and 4 blue and 2 were drawn without replacing them?
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What is the probability that at least one marble is white if a bag has 3 green and 3 white marbles four marbles are selected at the same time?

The probability is 100%.There's no way to take four marbles out of this bag without at least one of them being white.

What is the probability showing the formula of choosing 4 red marbles out of a bag with 5 red marbles and 10 blue marbles?

Probability = number_of_ways_of_success/total_number_of_ways If two events are independent, their probabilities are multiplied together, eg tossing a coin to get heads and throwing a 6 with a single [standard cube] die. In this case, I guess you are choosing 4 marbles at random. This is the same as choosing one marble, then choosing the next WITHOUT replacing the first marble; each random choice of marble is independent of the previous in so far as the colour only depends upon what is left in the bag. So the probability here is the product of the probability that the first marble is red, the next marble (without the first being replaced) is red and so on until 4 have been chosen: Pr(1st red) = 5/15 (= 1/3) as there are 5 red marbles and 5+10=15 marbles in the bag Pr(2nd red) = 4/14 (= 2/7) as there are now only 4 red and 4+10 = 14 marbles in the bag Pr(3rd red) = 3/13 as there are now only 3 red marbles and 3+10 = 13 marbles in the bag Pr(4th red) = 2/12 (= 1/6) as there are now 2 red marbles and 2+10 = 12 marbles in the bag. Thus Pr(4 red) = Pr(1st red) × Pr(2nd red) × Pr(3rd red) × Pr(4th red) → Pr(4 red) = 1/3 × 2/7 × 3/13 × 1/6 = 1/273 ≈ 0.00366 ≈ 0.366 %

What is probability and how does it helps?

Probability is the calculation of the extent to which something is probable (the likelihood of something happening or being the case). Probability helps staticians and other people to have a better understanding of what is to come in the future. Ex: If I have a bag of 10 colored marbles where five of them are blue and five of them are red, once I pull out a certain number of red and blue marbles I still know the ratio of red to blue marbles in the bag though it may have changed.

How do you Write a combination problem and solve it?

A combination problem essentially asks for two answers from different mathematical areas. A simple example could be, "A boy has a bag of marbles. Four marbles are blue. Three marbles are red. Five marbles are white. How many marbles does he have all together? What are the chances of picking a blue marble at random?" The two areas being addressed are simple addition and probability. There are a total of 12 marbles. There is a 1:3 chance of picking a blue marble at random.

There are 10 marbles and 5 purple marbles in a bag what are the odds in favor of it being yellow?

6/10 or 3/5

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What is the probability that at least one marble is white if a bag has 3 green and 3 white marbles four marbles are selected at the same time?

The probability is 100%.There's no way to take four marbles out of this bag without at least one of them being white.

What is the probability showing the formula of choosing 4 red marbles out of a bag with 5 red marbles and 10 blue marbles?

Probability = number_of_ways_of_success/total_number_of_ways If two events are independent, their probabilities are multiplied together, eg tossing a coin to get heads and throwing a 6 with a single [standard cube] die. In this case, I guess you are choosing 4 marbles at random. This is the same as choosing one marble, then choosing the next WITHOUT replacing the first marble; each random choice of marble is independent of the previous in so far as the colour only depends upon what is left in the bag. So the probability here is the product of the probability that the first marble is red, the next marble (without the first being replaced) is red and so on until 4 have been chosen: Pr(1st red) = 5/15 (= 1/3) as there are 5 red marbles and 5+10=15 marbles in the bag Pr(2nd red) = 4/14 (= 2/7) as there are now only 4 red and 4+10 = 14 marbles in the bag Pr(3rd red) = 3/13 as there are now only 3 red marbles and 3+10 = 13 marbles in the bag Pr(4th red) = 2/12 (= 1/6) as there are now 2 red marbles and 2+10 = 12 marbles in the bag. Thus Pr(4 red) = Pr(1st red) × Pr(2nd red) × Pr(3rd red) × Pr(4th red) → Pr(4 red) = 1/3 × 2/7 × 3/13 × 1/6 = 1/273 ≈ 0.00366 ≈ 0.366 %

What is probability and how does it helps?

Probability is the calculation of the extent to which something is probable (the likelihood of something happening or being the case). Probability helps staticians and other people to have a better understanding of what is to come in the future. Ex: If I have a bag of 10 colored marbles where five of them are blue and five of them are red, once I pull out a certain number of red and blue marbles I still know the ratio of red to blue marbles in the bag though it may have changed.

How do you Write a combination problem and solve it?

A combination problem essentially asks for two answers from different mathematical areas. A simple example could be, "A boy has a bag of marbles. Four marbles are blue. Three marbles are red. Five marbles are white. How many marbles does he have all together? What are the chances of picking a blue marble at random?" The two areas being addressed are simple addition and probability. There are a total of 12 marbles. There is a 1:3 chance of picking a blue marble at random.

How do you find the probability of a random point being chosen in a shaded region in a circle?

The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.

What is the probability of winning at craps?

The odds are set so that the longer you play, the more probable it is you will lose. Its like betting on a jar with a thousand marbles in it. 600 of the marbles are black and 400 are white. You bet $1 each time a marble is picked and your bet is that a white marble will be picked. If a white marble is picked, you get your $1 back plus an additional $1. As the marbles are being picked, you may be winning at times but ultimately you will lose $200 because there are 200 more black marbles than white marbles. This may seem very simplistic but it is exactly what happens when you play craps.

There are 10 marbles and 5 purple marbles in a bag what are the odds in favor of it being yellow?

6/10 or 3/5

If the probability of getting identical is 0.004 while the probability of fraternal twins is 0.023 then what is the probability that a person chosen at random will not be a twin?

1- P(identical) - P(fraternal) =1-0.004-0.023 =0.973 The probability of being a identical or fraternal twin plus the probability of not being a twin has to add to 1. so 1- probability of being twins=probability of not being a twin ;-)

What is an example of probability?

If you have 10 marbles in a bag, 5 red 2 blue, and 3 purple, and you randomly draw one out the percentage of it being Red=5/10=1/2 Blue=2/10=1/5 Purple=3/10

The probability that i am late for work is 0.4 what is the probability that i am not late for work?

the probability is 1(being the maximum)- the probability you have allredy got. the answer is 0.6

What is the probability of being possessed?

That depends on many factors. For example, if you are a $1 bill, the probability is quite high, whereas if you are a human being, the probability is quite low.

Why would they do a lumpectomy without a biopsy first?

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