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The probability is

(the total number of numbers on the spinner minus 5)/(the total number of numbers on the spinner)

Another way to express the same probability is

1 - 5/(the total number of numbers on the spinner)

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Q: What is the probability of getting a number greater then 5 on a spinner?
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What is the probability of spinning a number greater than 5 on a spinner numbered 1 to 8?

If it is a fair spinner, then 3/8

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The probability of spinning the spinner and landing on an odd number depends on the number of odd numbers on the spinner and the total number of numbers on the spinner. If there are 3 odd numbers on the spinner and a total of 6 numbers, then the probability of landing on an odd number is 3/6, which simplifies to 1/2 or 50%.

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There is insufficient information on the shape of the spinner.

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The answer depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.

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4/6, or 66.67%.

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The answer will depend on how many numbers are on the spinner.

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The answer depends on the number of sides on the spinner and what numbers are on it.

What is the probability that you get a 2 on both the spinner or the number cube?

The answer depends on how many numbers are on the spinner.