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A 6-sided die has 6 possible numbers that you can roll. 3 of those are even (2,4,6)

That means three of the six possible outcomes will be positive. 3 divided by six is 50%

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Q: What is the probability of getting an even number if the die is rolled once?
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If a die is rolled 3 times what is probability of getting an even number?

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When a dice is rolled what is the probability of getting an even number less than 6?

you would have a one third chance :0)

A dice is rolled three times the probability of getting at least one odd number is?

Possible outcomes of one roll = 6.Probability of an even number on one roll = 3/6 = 0.5 .Probability of an even number on the second roll = 0.5 .Probability of an even number on the third roll = 0.5 .Probability of an even number on all three rolls = (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 0.125 = 1/8The probability of at least one odd number is the probability of not gettingan even number on all 3 rolls. That's (1 - 1/8) = 7/8 or 0.875 or 87.5% .

What is the probability of an even number less than 6 when a dice is rolled?

1/6 because the other numbers don't affect the probability

The probability of rolling an even number when number cube is rolled twice?

Because 3/6 of the sides on a number cube have even numbers, the probability of rolling even on one number cube is 1/2(equivalent of 3/6). But since you're rolling twice, you multiply the probability of one by itself (therefore rolling 2 number cubes). So: 1/2x1/2=1/4 The probability of rolling an even number when a number cube is rolled twice is 1/4, 25%, or 1 out of 4.

If a fair die is rooled 5 times what is the probability of getting six 6's?

Since the die is rolled (or even rooled) only 5 times, the answer is that the probability is 0.

What is the probability of getting an even number on a six sided dice?

The probability of getting an even number on a six sided dice is 3 out of 6 or one half because the only even numbers are 2,4,6 (which are all even).

Probability of getting an even product when rolled 2 dice?

I'm assuming you multiply the numbers rolled. Thus the rules of even and odd numbers come into play. The only way to get an odd product is to roll two odd numbers. The probability desired is 1 minus the probability of rolling two odd numbers. The odds of rolling an odd number is 1/2. Since the rolls are independent events, the odds of rolling two odd numbers is (1/2)2 = 1/4 So the probability of getting an even product is: 1 - 1/4 = 3/4

What is the probability you roll a number cube twice and get an even number but not a 2?

The probability of getting an even number on both dice is (2/6) * (2/6) = (4/36) = 1/9. The probability when rolling two dice of getting one even number but not a "2" is 10/36, which is 5/18.

What is the probability of getting an even number with a six sided dice?

It is 0.5

When rolling 2dice what is the probability of getting an even number?

It is 1/2.

What is the probability of getting en even and odd number?

1 whole