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It is 3/8.

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Q: What is the probability of getting one tail on three coin tosses?
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What is the probability of getting exactly two heads in three coin tosses?


What is the probability of getting heads on three successive tosses of a coin?

0.53 = 0.125.

What is the probability of getting both tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability of two tails on two tosses of a coin is 0.52, or 0.25.

When tossing a fair coin the probability of getting three heads in a row is?

In a large enough number of tosses, it is a certainty (probability = 1). In only the first three tosses, it is (0.5)3 = 0.125

What is the probability of getting three or fewer heads on eight tosses of a coin?

It is 93/256 = 0.363 approx.

What is the probability of getting no tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability is 1/4

What is the probability of getting 3 heads from 4 coin tosses?

The probability is 1 out of 5

Find the probability of heads on three consecutive tosses of a coin?

The number of total outcomes on 3 tosses for a coin is 2 3, or 8. Since only 1 outcome is H, H, H, the probability of heads on three consecutive tosses of a coin is 1/8.

How do you find the probability on a biased coin of getting 3 heads out of 3 coin tosses when the probability of getting a head is 60 percent?

0.63 = 0.216

What is the probability of getting 2 heads in 3 coin tosses?

It is 3/8.

What is the probability of getting HTTH in a sequence of 4 coin tosses?

1 out of 555555

If you toss a coin 3 times what is the probability that it will land on heads 3 times?

The probability of getting heads on three tosses of a coin is 0.125. Each head has a probability of 0.5. Since the events are sequentially unrelated, simply raise 0.5 to the power of the number of tosses (3) and get 0.125, or 1 in 8.