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If you are selecting from any number than virtually 0. If you are rolling a die then there are 6 possible outcomes, and 2 numbers that are odd and less than 5 so 2/6=1/3.

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Q: What is the probability of obtaining a number that is odd and smaller than 5?
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What is the probability that the die tossed will land on a number that is smaller than 5?

The probability that the die tossed will land on a number that is smaller than 5 is 4/6 or 2/3. Smaller than 5 is 1 - 4 and 6 is the sample space.

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A probability can be no larger than 1 and no smaller than 0.

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A single fair die has the numbers 1 to 6, so when a single fair die is tossed the probability of obtaining a number different than 11 is: P(x diff than11) = 1.

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100%, since you cannot roll a 9 with a six sided die.

What is the probability of obtaining a number less than three at the throw of a dice?

There are 6 values, 1 - 6, on the die. Less than 3 is a 1 or 2 roll. So, probability of less than 3 is 2/6 or 1/3 or 33.33%.

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all probabilities smaller than the given probability ("at most") all probabilities larger than the given probability ("at least")

What is the probability of rolling a pair of dice and obtaining a total score greater than 9?

It is 1/12.

What is probability of obtaining a number different from 12 when a single fair die is tossed?

assuming we are talking about standard dice here (six sided, numbered 1-6) then the probability of obtaining a result other than 12 when a single die is tossed is 100%. There is no way to roll a 12 after 1 toss of 1 die, therefore the chance of getting anything other than 12 is guaranteed

What is the probability of obtaining a sum of at least 6when rolling a pair of dice?

The best way to do this is to note that this is 1 minus the probability of obtaining a sum less than 6. The probability of obtaining a 2 is 1/36 (both dice get 1) The probability of obtaining a 3 is 1/18 (one dice gets 1, the other gets 2, or the other way around) The probability of obtaining a 4 is 1/12 (both dice get 2, or one dice gets 1 and the other 3, or the other way around) The probability of obtaining a 5 is 1/9 (one dice gets 2 and the other 3, or the other way around, or one dice gets 1 and the other 4, or the other way around) Adding these probabilities up gives 5/18. 1 minus this is 13/18 Thus the probability of obtaining a sum of at least 6 when rolling a pair of dice is 13/18.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 6 on a die?

The probability of rolling a number greater than 6 on a die is 0.