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First of all, there are 12 possible outcomes in total. So that becomes the denominator. There is obviously only one six on a die (dice) and you roll it twice, which means 2. That is how many times you can get 6 in a row (numerator). If you put both numbers together you get a fraction of 2/6, (in lowest terms it is 1/3), in a decimal it is 0.33..., in a percent it is 33%, in a ratio it is 1:3. I hope that helps, good luck on your math problems! (I think)


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Q: What is the probability of rolling 1 dice and getting two 6 in a row?
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There is insufficient information in the question to answer it. You did not specify how many dice were involved. Please restate the question. In the meantime, I will give a generalized answer. If the probability of rolling a straight is n, then the probability of rolling straight three times in a row is n3. For instance, with three dice, the probability of rolling a straight is 1 in 36, neglecting (i.e. allowing for) wrap-around straights, and ignoring (sorry, but the math is too complex and does not serve the answer anyway) the fact that straights can go in either direction. That 1 in 36 is n=0.02778. The probability of doing that 3 times in a row, then, is 0.00002143.

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The probability of getting two 6s in a row when you roll a dice two times?

1 in 36