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Ways to roll 4:

1 + 3

2 + 2

3 + 1

Three ways out of 36 possible combinations = 3/36 = 1/12

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Q: What is the probability of rolling a sum of four with two number cubes?
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What is the probability of rolling a 3 or a 4?

2/6 or 1/3 or 0.3333.

When rolling 2-six sided number cubes what is the probability of rolling a nine?

There are 36 permutations of two standard dice. Of these, four have a sum of nine, specifically 3+6, 4+5, 5+4, and 6+3. The probability, then, of rolling a nine on a pair of standard dice is 4 in 36, or 1 in 9, or about 0.1111.

A 6-sided dice is rolledwhat is the probability of rolling a 3 or 4?

The probability of rolling a three or a four (meaning one roll, and either number would be counted a "success") is 1/3. This is because the probability of rolling a three is 1/6, the probability of rolling a four is 1/6, and if you are good with either possibility, then the combined probability is 1/6+1/6 = 1/3.

What is the probability of rolling a four on a number cube?

Assuming it is a normal fair cube, it is 1/6.

What is the probability of rolling a four on an eight sided die numbered from one to eight?

The probability of rolling a four on an eight sided octahedron is 1 in 8, or 0.125.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 or an even number on a number cube?

That depends on how many sides the cube has but if it was a 6 sided cube then the probability of getting a four is 1 to 6 and even is 3 to 6. Since 4 is even, then the result set of 4 intersect with the result set of even, so the probability of rolling a 4 or an even number is 1 in 2, or 0.5.

What is the probability of rolling 6 and four in backgammon three times in a row?

The answer depends on how many times in total the dice are rolled. As the total number of rolls increases, the probability rolling a 6 and 4 three times in a row increases towards 1.

What is the probability of rolling a four on a die?

On a standard 6 sided die the probability of rolling four is 1/6 This is because there are 6 different numbers on it, and when you roll it you read only the top number. There are 6 to choose from and all 6 are equally probable, so that probability is 1 out of 6 = 0.1666....(a recurring 6) = 16.67% to 4 significant figures

If you roll a fair die four times what is the probability of rolling a four on only the second throw?

The probability of rolling a 4 when you throw once a fair die is: P(4) = 1/6.The probability of not rolling a 4 when you throw once a fair die is: P(NO 4) = 5/6.If you roll a fair die four times, the probability of rolling a four on only the secondthrow is:P(NO 4, 4, NO 4, NO 4) = (5/6)(1/6)(5/6)(5/6) = 0.096450617... ≈ 9.6%

What is the probability of rolling a five with a pair of dice?

There are 36 possible outcomes when we roll a pair of dice. Rolling a five can be done the following ways: 3-2, 4-1, 2-3 and 1-4. That's four ways to roll a five with one roll of the dice. The odds of rolling a five are 4 in 36, or 1 in 9. That makes the probability of rolling a five equal to 0.11111....We know that the probability of something is a ratio of the number of times it can be done to the total number of things that are possible. Probabilities range from zero to one, inclusive. If something has a probability of zero, it cannot happen. Like rolling a 13. A 13 cannot be rolled with one roll of a pair of standard dice. Thus the probability of rolling a 13 is zero, as it cannot happen.If something has a probability of one, it must happen. Like the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice. Since any number we roll must be either odd or even, then the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice is one. An odd or an even number must turn up, and that is why the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of the dice is one. Lastly, we've seen that the probability of rolling a given number with one roll of the dice is the number of times that number might appear divided by the total number of possibilities that might appear.

What is the probability of rolling a number higher than 4?

There are six faces, and only three faces with a number higher than a four. So it is 3 chances in 6.

Find the odds of rolling less than a four by rolling the dice once?

The probability is 3/6 or 1/2