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There is no simple answer to the question because the children's genders are not independent events. They depend on the parents' ages and their genes.

However, if you assume that they are independent events then, given that the probability of a boy is approx 0.52, the probability of three boys and a girl is 0.2669.

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Q: What is the probability that a family of 4 would have 3 boys and 1 girl?
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These events are independent; so the probability of a girl is 0.5.

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There is no simple answer to the question because the children's genders are not independent events. They depend on the parents' ages and their genes.However, if you assume that they are independent events then, given that the probability of a boy is approx 0.52, the probability of the other two being boys is 0.4994

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The probability of having a boy or a girl is always 50/50 each time, regardless of previous outcomes. So the theoretical probability of having a girl after having three boys in a row is still 50%.

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The probability of an individual having either a male or female can not be altered. There is always a 50/50 chance of having a boy or girl. It is not a genetic trait to have one of the other.

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There is no simple answer to the question because the children's genders are not independent events. They depend on the parents' ages and their genes. A family of 4 is a family of two parents and two children. The probability that both children are girls is 0.2334

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If the choice is unbiased, the change is 14/(10+14). If the chooser prefers choosing boys, the probability is 0.

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Probability equals the number of ways an event can occur divided by the total number of events. The total number of events is (b=boy, g=girl) is bb, bg, gb, gg. The probability is then 1/4.

What are the chances of having a girl after having 3 boys?

(assuming that the probability of having a girl or a boy is 50/50) Looking from beforehand, the probability of having three boys then a girl is the probability of each of these events happening multiplied together. That is 50% x 50% x 50% x 50% or 0.54 This would mean that the chance of having a girl after three boys is 0.0625. If you've already had the three boys though, it is a different story. The point is that previous experiences do not affect future ones; probability has no memory. Thus the probability of having a girl next is 50%, regardless of if you've had boys or girls in the past. To think otherwise is known as the gambler's fallacy, where a gambler says "black has come up 4 times in a row, it must be red next" even though the chance of red is always 50%