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Q: What is the probability that the student is a boy?
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If there are 45 students in a biology class and 23 are girls what is the probability that a student chosen at random will be a boy?

Probability that a girl is chosen = 23/45 = .511 So, the probability that a boy is chosen = 1 - .511 = .489

What is the probability of all boys with triplets?

Assuming the probability of a boy is 0.5, the probability of a boy and boy and boy is 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.125.

What is the probability of asking a student at your school what grade he or she is in?

The probability is indeterminate. I might ask a student or I might not.

If a student is picked at random what is the probability that heshe received an A on hiher final?

If a student is picked at random what is the probability that he/she received an A on his/her fina?

What is the probability that a family continue to have children until they have a boy will have more than three children?

The answer to this is 1 minus the probability that they will have 3 or fewer children. This would happen only if they had a boy as the first, second or third child. The probability they have a boy as first child is 0.5 The probability they have a boy as second is 0.25 The probability they have a boy as third is 0.125 Thus the total probability is 0.875 And so the probability they will have more than three children is 1-0.875 or 0.125

What is the probability of a family having a boy after four girls?

The probability of a boy is still 0.5 no matter how many prior children there are.

How do you say boy student in french?

In French, "boy student" is translated as "garçon étudiant."

What is the probability of picking a student out of 800 students 50 faculty members and 150 adminstrators?

Probability of picking a student is 800 / (800+50+150) = 800 / 1000 = .8.

What is the probability of a student getting a score of more than 505 with a mean of 505 and a standard deviation of 110?

The probability is 0.5

What is 'boy student' when translated from English to Spanish?

"Boy student" in English is estudiante in Spanish.

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