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Assuming they are fair, regular dice, the probability is 1/18.

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Q: What is the probability you will roll a 3 and a 4 on 2 dice at the same time?
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IF you roll a fair dice and toss a coin at the same time what is the probability that you will get a head or a 6?

It is 7/12.

What are the odds against both dice showing the same numberwhen you toss two dice at the same time?

The probability of both dice showing the same number is 1/6 and the probability of different numbers is 5/6.

What is the probability of rolling a prime number if you roll to dice at the same time?

Assuming that "to" should actually be "two", Since the outcome on each die is independent, Pr(Roll a prime when rolling two dice) = Pr(Roll a prime on a die)2 = (1/2)2 = 1/4

What is the probability that you would land on a three if you threw four dice at the same time?

If using regular dice, the probability is 0 since the minimum sum from four dice is 4.

What is the probability of rolling a three if you roll a regular pair of dice one time?

2/12 or 1/6

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 9 or less Suppose you roll two dice one time only?

It is 5/6.

You roll 2 dice What is the probability that the sum of the dice is odd and both dice show the number 5?

Probability zero. If both dice have the same number, then the result will be even. If both dies are odd (as in the case of 5) then the sum is even. If both dies are even, the sum is also even. The only way to get an odd sum is to have one die have an odd number and the other die have an even number. That will happen 50% of the time.The probability of both dice showing 5 is 1/36. But the two events will never happen at the same time.

What does overlapping events mean in math?

I think it means something that happens at the same time as another. A probability thing. Like: roll a dice for odds and pull a queen of hearts out of a deck of cards.

What is the possibility of rolling a three if you roll 4 dices at the same time?

You can't, can you? The smallest number that you can roll with four dice is four, that is, a 'one' on each of the four dice.

Does a previous roll of the dice affect the odds what roll?

No. Each roll is independent of the previous roll (on a fair dice). The same is true for flipping a coin. Getting a six your first roll does not make you any more or less likely to roll a six the second time.

What is the probability that at least one of the dice will roll three if you roll four dice at the same time?

The probability that one die will not be a 3 is 5/6The probability that all will not be 3 is ((5/6)4)If you roll 4 dice, there are 5 possible outcomes (for this problem).There will be NO 3's, there will be one 3, there will be two 3's. there will be three 3's, or, there will be four 3's. Add all possible probabilities = 1. At least one meanse either 1,2,3, or 4 3's but NOT one.So the prob of at least one = total prob - prob of NO1- (5/6)4 = 1 - 625/1296= 671/1296

With 2 dice can you roll 1 die at a time?

Yes, you can roll one die (of a two dice set) at a time. Statistically, since they are unrelated, even if rolled together, it does not matter if you roll one or two at a time.