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Q: What is the probability you will select 2 red marbles if you have 3 red marbles and 1 green marble in a bag You draw 1 marble and without putting it back you draw a 2nd one?
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A bag has 7 blue marbles and 8 purple marbles.What is the probability of picking a blue marble then a purple marble without replacing?

7/15 for blue marbles and 8/14 for the purple marbles this is dependent probability

A container holds 6 red marbles and 4 green marbles You select 2 marbles from each container without replacement What is the probability that you will select 1 red marble and 1 green marble?

sure chance

A box contains 8 green marbles 4 red marbles and 4 purple marbles if you draw a marble at random what is the probability that you will not draw a red marble?

Probability of drawing a red marble = 4/16 = 1/4 Probability of drawing not a red marble = 1 - 1/4 = 3/4

A bag contains 3 red marbles 5 blue marbles 8 yellow marbles and 4 black marbles what is the theoretical probability of randomly picking each color marble?

The theoretical probability of randomly picking each color marble is the number of color marbles you have for each color, divided by the total number of marbles. For example, the probability of selecting a red marble is 3/20.

A jar contains 22 yellow marbles 26 green marbles 17 red marbles and 20 purple marbles A marble is drawn at random what is the probability of not pulling out a purple marble?

probability of pulling out a purple marble = 20/85probability of NOT pulling out a purple marble = 1 - 20/85 = 65/85 = 13/17

What is the probability of picking a red marble and then a blue marble?

None, if all the marbles that you have are yellow!

There are 9 red and 6 blue marbles in a jar If you draw red marbles from the jar 7 times what is the experimental probability of drawing a red marble?

The answer is dependent on whether of not you replace the marbles in the jar. If you do, the probability of drawing a red marble is 9 in 15 or 60%, every time. If you do not replace the marbles, the probability of drawing a red marble is 2 in 8 or 25%.

What is the probability of choosing a marble that is not blue?

it depends how many blue marbles there are and how many marbles total.

What is the probability of picking a blue marble from a bag of 4 red marbles 6 blue marbles and 1 white marble?

11 marbles total and 6 are blue so probability is 6/11

There are 6 red marbles 8 blue marbles and 11 green marbles in a bag. What is the probability that you will randomly draw either a red or a blue marble?

The probability is 0.56

What is the probability of pulling a red marbles out of a bag containing 16 red marbles 10 green marbles 14 blue marbles and 10 yellow marbles?

If you pull 35 marbles without replacement, the answer is 1: the event is a certainty. If you pull only one marble, at random, the probability is 16/50 = 8/25.

A marble is selected from a random jar containing 3 red marbles 4 yellow marbles and 2 marbles what are the odds in favor of selecting a red marble?

The probability of selecting a red marble is 3/9