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Q: What is the probability of getting a green marble?
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A bag has 13 green marbles What is the probability pf drawing out a green marble?

your probability would be 13/13. you would have a 100 percent chance of getting a green marble

What is the probability of 3 green marbles?

the probability is you'd get a green marble any other color is impossible. So, the probability is certain

What is the probability of choosing blue marble followed by a green marble from a bag containing 5 blue 5 green and 5 red marbles?

The probability of choosing a blue marble is 5 in 15 or 1 in 3. The probability of then choosing a green marble is 5 in 14. (One is missing) Multiply the two probabilities and you get 5 in 42.(P = 0.1190... about 12%).

There are 4 bags each containing 4 red marbles and 1 green marble If you grab one marble from each bag what is the probability of grabbing at least 2 green marbles?

Let's consider first one bag: The probability to grab one green marble is Pg=1/5 The probability to grab one red marble is Pr=1-Pg=4/5 For the 4 bags, it's a binomial distribution: probability to get k green out of n bags, P(X=k)=nCk pk (1-p)n-k = nCk Pgk Prn-k Now, the probability to grab at least 2 green marbles from 4 bags is 1 - (Probability to get no green marble from 4 bags) - (Probability to get just one green marble from 4 bags) Probability to get no green marble is = 4C0 (4/5)4 = (4/5)4 (n=4, k=0, no green marble from each bag, 4C0 Pr4) Probability to get just one green marble is = 4C1 (1/5) (4/5)3 (n=4, k=1, one green marble from one bag and red marbles from the other ones, 4C1 Pg Pr3) Probability to grab at least 2 green marbles from 4 bags is 1-(4/5)4-4*(1/5)(4/5)3 = 0.1801

What is the probability of choosing a marble that is not blue out of 5 red and 6 green?


If a bag contains 3 green marbles 5 blue marbles and 2 yellow marbles find the probability that the marble is blue?

Assuming that you're only taking out one marble, then:Your sample space --> 3 + 5 + 2 = 10The probability of getting a blue marble on the first draw is 3/10 or 0.3

What is the probability of getting green if there is 3 blue 2red and 4 green?

If there is 3 blue 2 red and 4 green. What is the probability of getting green?

What is the probability of not choosing a green marble from a jar containing 5 red 6 green and 4 blue marbles?

This is the same as the probability of choosing either a red of a blue marble. There are 5+4 out of 15 ways of doing this. The probability is therefore 9/15 = 3/5.

What is the probability of choosing a green marble from A jar containing 4 red 6 green and 5 blue marbles?

If one marble is chosen at random, the probability is 6/(4+6+5) = 6/15 = 2/5

A box contains 8 green marbles 4 red marbles and 4 purple marbles if you draw a marble at random what is the probability that you will not draw a red marble?

Probability of drawing a red marble = 4/16 = 1/4 Probability of drawing not a red marble = 1 - 1/4 = 3/4

What is the probability of choosing a red marble from a jar 5 red 6 green and 4 blue marble?

1/3 or 33%

What is the probability of getting a green marble out of a bag of 20 marbles if there are 10 reds 6 blues and 4 greens?

On a single blind draw, it's 4/20 = 20% .