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10/32 = 5/16

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Q: What is the probabilty of 3 heads and 2 tails when 5 coins are flipped?
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What is the probability of flipping 3 coins and getting all heads or tails?

The probabilty of you flipping 3 coins and getting all heads or tails is 0.125 or 1/8.

2 coins are flipped. What is the probability of landing one heads and one tails?

It is 1/2.

How many possible outcomes if 3 coins is flipped once?

As a group, I count four. 3 heads 3 tails 2 heads, 1 tail 2 tails, 1 head

If you flipped a coin what would it be?

Heads or Tails

What are the possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped?

The possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped are heads or tails.

What is the probability that you flip a head after you flipped 100 coins and 87 were heads and 13 were tails?

50% Every time you flip a coin, there is a 50% chance it will come up heads and a 50% chance it will come up tails, no matter how many times you have already flipped it, and no matter what the results were of previous flips.

A fair nickel and a fair dice are tossed once outcomes match when both coins land on heads or both coins land on tails What is the theoretical probability of a match?

The probability of 2 coins both landing on heads or both landing on tails is 1/2 because there are 4 possible outcomes. Head, head. Head, tails. Tails, tails. Tails, heads. Tails, heads is different from heads, tails for reasons I am unsure of.

What is theromental?

suppose you flipped a coin 100 times you might have flipped heads 50 time and tails 50 times

What are all the possible outcomes for flipping or tossing three coins a dime a nickel and a penny in an organized manner and how would a tree diagram show these results?

There are eight possible results when flipping three coins (eliminating the highly unlikely scenario of one or more coins landing on their edge): Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails

What is the probability of obtaining two tails or more if three coins are flipped?

It is 0.5

When you flip two coins why does it appear tails and heads more than heads and heads and tails and tails?

Because you are thinking permutations rather than combinations. There are four permutations of two coins, but there are only three combinations, because it does not matter which coin is heads and which coin is tails. As a result, the combination of heads and tails has a 0.5 probability, while two heads or two tails each have a 0.25 probability.

What is the probabilty of 1 head and three tails?

1 in 16. You have 4 coins. The sample space is 16, i.e. 24.