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Q: What is the quantitative value that is used to test hypothesis?
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What are the quantitative techniques?

The quantitative techniques are basic computations that are used in science. The two main categories are hypothesis tests and interval estimations.

what are the benefits of a two tailed test?

They are used to test hypothesis such as the mean is some value where you do not know if otherwise the mean is less or more.

What is hypothesis in basic statistic?

A statistician may have some idea about some statistics in a data set, and there is a need to test whether or not that hypothesis is likely to be true. Data are collected and a test statistic is calculated. The value of this test statistic is used to determine the probability that the hypothesis is true.

Organized process used to test a hypothesis?


What is test statistic. Why do you have to know the distribution of a test statistic?

A test statistic is used to test whether a hypothesis that you have about the underlying distribution of your data is correct or not. The test statistic could be the mean, the variance, the maximum or anything else derived from the observed data. When you know the distribution of the test statistic (under the hypothesis that you want to test) you can find out how probable it was that your test statistic had the value it did have. If this probability is very small, then you reject the hypothesis. The test statistic should be chosen so that under one hypothesis it has one outcome and under the is a summary measure based on the data. It could be the mean, the maximum, the variance or any other statistic. You use a test statistic when you are testing between two hypothesis and the test statistic is one You might think of the test statistic as a single number that summarizes the sample data. Some common test statistics are z-score and t-scores.

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What does the critical value represent?

The critical value is used to test a null hypothesis against an alternative hypothesis at some pre-defined level of significance. A test statistic is calculated from the outcomes of a set of trials and if this test statistic is more extreme than the critical value then the null hypothesis must be rejected in favour of the alternative.

what are the benefits of a two tailed test?

They are used to test hypothesis such as the mean is some value where you do not know if otherwise the mean is less or more.

What are the quantitative techniques?

The quantitative techniques are basic computations that are used in science. The two main categories are hypothesis tests and interval estimations.

Activity done to test a hypothesis?

A controlled experiment is used to test a hypothesis.

What is hypothesis in basic statistic?

A statistician may have some idea about some statistics in a data set, and there is a need to test whether or not that hypothesis is likely to be true. Data are collected and a test statistic is calculated. The value of this test statistic is used to determine the probability that the hypothesis is true.

What is a a series of steps used to test a hypothesis?

What is a series of carefully planned steps that test a hypothesis?

What is a expierment?

used to test a hypothesis

How does a method test a hypothesis?

A hypothesis test is used to make certain decisions based on the data collected.

How is a hypothesis used in science?

A hypothesis is an "educated guess". An example of how it could be used: John needed to test his hypothesis about molecular degenaration.

It Comes after a hypothesis and is used to determine whether the hypothesis is correct?

Test your hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

What is used to test hypothesis?

the scientific method :)

How is the null hypothesis of the independent samples t test verbalized?

The null hypothesis of the independent samples t-test is verbalized by either accepting or rejecting it due to the value of the t-test. If the value is less than 0.05 it is accepted and greater than 0.05 is rejecting it.