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Use the eq'n

a = (v- u) / t


'a' = acceleration (m/s^(2))

'u' - initial velocity ( 0 m/s)

'v' = final velocity ( 3 m/s)

't' = time ( 10 s)


a = (3 - 0) / 10

a = 3/10

a = 0.3 m/s^(2)

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βˆ™ 1mo ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

0.3 meters per second

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Q: What is the rate of acceleration for a car that reaches a speed of three meters per second from rest in ten seconds?
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The sprinter's acceleration is 2 meters per second squared.

What is the rate of acceleration for a car that reaches a speed of three meters per second?

Insufficient information.

What is the acceleration of 3 meters per second to 9 meters per second in 3 seconds?

acceleration = change in velocity divided by timeaccel = (9-3)/3 = 6/3 = 2 meters per second per second

How much does its speed change after 5 minutes with an acceleration of 470 meters per second?

"470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed."470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed."470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed."470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed.

Why is acceleration often expressed with units of meters per second squared?

Because if speed is measured in meters per second (m/s) and time is measured in seconds, the SI unit of acceleration is meters per second per second (m/s2). ^_^

What is the acceleration of a car that goes from 32 meters per second to 96 meters per second in 8 seconds?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time for the change)Acceleration = (96 - 32) / 8 = 64/8 = 8 meters per second2

Ignoring the effects of air resistance what is the speed in of the object after falling 3 seconds?

The speed of an object after falling for 3 seconds, ignoring air resistance, would be approximately 29.4 m/s. This value is derived from the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2) multiplied by the time the object has been falling (3 seconds).

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-2.33 metres per second squared

What is a car's acceleration if it increases its speed from 5 meters per second to 20 meters per second in 3 seconds?

In general, the acceleration during that time interval could vary considerably. However, we can calculate the average acceleration during the interval. The change in speed is 20 meters per second - 5 meters per second = 15 meters per second, and this change in speed occurs over a 3 second interval. Thus the average change in speed over this interval is 15 meters per second/ 3 seconds = 5 meters per second per second = 5 meters/second2

If a car takes 10 seconds to go from 0meters per second to 25 meters per second at constant acceleration what is the acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time for the change) = (25) / (10) = 2.5 meters per second2

How fast is a skydiver after falling 3 seconds if they accelerate at 10 meters per second?

The acceleration is expressed in meters per second square, which really means (meters / second) / second. Every second, the skydiver will be 10 meters per second faster than the previous second. Therefore, after 3 seconds, he will have a speed of 30 meters per second.