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Q: What is the ratio between 15 quarters and 30 dimes?
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What is 14 quarters plus 15 dimes plus 12 nickels and 5 pennies?

14 quarters plus 15 dimes plus 12 nickels and 5 pennies is a total amount of $5.65

How many dimes are in 15 quarters?

15 quareters = 15 x .25 = $3.75 since a dime = $0.10 then divide 3.75/.10 = 37.5 37 dimes and a nickel left over

How do you make exactly 5.00 using exactly 100 coins?

60 cents, 39 dimes, 0 quarters, 1 half = $5. 65 cents, 31 dimes, 3 quarters, 1 half = $5. 70 cents, 23 dimes, 6 quarters, 1 half = $5. 75 cents, 15 dimes, 9 quarters, 1 half = $5. 80 cents, 7 dimes, 12 quarters, 1 half = $5 there are other combination as well with nickels etc

what possible ways can change make 1 dollar?

well it depends on how you want it. If you want it as, like having 4 quarters and counting one way for four quarters then counting another as having the same 4 quarters but in different order (if you understood any of that) there is 293 possibilities. but if you want it the other way, We can use either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 quarters. If we use 0 quarters, we can use from 0 up to 10 dimes, and the rest, if any, in nickels. That accounts for 11 ways. If we use 1 quarter, we can use from 0 up to 7 dimes, and the rest in nickels. That accounts for 8 ways. If we use 2 quarters, we can use from 0 up to 5 dimes, and the rest, if any, in nickels. That accounts for 6 ways. If we use 3 quarters, we can use from 0 up to 2 dimes, and the rest in nickels. That accounts for 3 ways. If we use 4 quarters, that's the whole dollar, so that accounts for 1 way. So the total number of ways = 11+8+6+3+1 = 29 You weren't asked to list them, but here is the list of all 29 ways: 1. 0 quarters, 0 dimes, and 20 nickels. 2. 0 quarters, 1 dime, and 18 nickels. 3. 0 quarters, 2 dimes, and 16 nickels. 4. 0 quarters, 3 dimes, and 14 nickels. 5. 0 quarters, 4 dimes, and 12 nickels. 6. 0 quarters, 5 dimes, and 10 nickels. 7. 0 quarters, 6 dimes, and 8 nickels. 8. 0 quarters, 7 dimes, and 6 nickels. 9. 0 quarters, 8 dimes, and 4 nickels. 10. 0 quarters, 9 dimes, and 2 nickels. 11. 0 quarters, 10 dimes, and 0 nickels. 12. 1 quarter, 0 dimes, and 15 nickels. 13. 1 quarter, 1 dime, and 13 nickels. 14. 1 quarter, 2 dimes, and 11 nickels. 15. 1 quarter, 3 dimes, and 9 nickels. 16. 1 quarter, 4 dimes, and 7 nickels. 17. 1 quarter, 5 dimes, and 5 nickels. 18. 1 quarter, 6 dimes, and 3 nickels. 19. 1 quarter, 7 dimes, and 1 nickel. 20. 2 quarters, 0 dimes, and 10 nickels. 21. 2 quarters, 1 dime, and 8 nickels. 22. 2 quarters, 2 dimes, and 6 nickels. 23. 2 quarters, 3 dimes, and 4 nickels. 24. 2 quarters, 4 dimes, and 2 nickels. 25. 2 quarters, 5 dimes, and 0 nickels. 26. 3 quarters, 0 dimes, and 5 nickels. 27. 3 quarters, 1 dime, and 3 nickels. 28. 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 1 nickel. 29. 4 quarters, 0 dimes, and 0 nickels. Hope this helped!

What does 3 quarters 2 dimes and 4 nickels total?

3 qauters 2 dimes and 4 nickels equals 1 dollar and 15 cents

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What is the ratio of 2 dimes to 3 quarters in simplest form?

4 to 15

What is the ratio of 4 dimes to 3 quarters?

In the number of coins the raio of 4 dimes to 3 quarters is 4:3. In terms of money amount, 4 dimes equals 40 cents and 3 quarters equals 75 cents, so the ratio is 40:75. This can be reduced to 8:15.

There are quarters and dimes in a box Their total value is at most 4.50 Quarters are 5 times as many as dimes How many quarters and how many dimes are at most in the box?

15 quarters, 3 dimes

How many dimes equal 6 quarters?

15 dimes equals 6 quarters.

Which ratio is greater 12 pennies to 5 quarters or 7 dimes to 15 nickels?

12 pennies/5 quarters or 7 dimes/15 nickels (turn them all in pennies) 12/125 >? 70/75 12/125 >? 70÷5/75÷5 12/125 >? 14/15 (clearly it seems that 14/15 is greater than 12/125, however cross multiply) 12x15 >? 14x125 180 < 1,750 So that 7 dimes/15 nickels is greater than 12 pennies/5 quarters.

What is 18 quarters and 18 dimes?

Too much to carry in your pocket comfortably. Exchange the 18 quarters and 15 of the dimes for six dollar bills. $6.30

What is 14 quarters plus 15 dimes plus 12 nickels and 5 pennies?

14 quarters plus 15 dimes plus 12 nickels and 5 pennies is a total amount of $5.65

A man has twenty coins consisting of dimes and quarters if the dimes were quarters and quarters were dimes hw would have ninety cents more then he has now how many dimes and quarters does he have?

The man has 13 dimes and 7 quarters, which equate to $3.05 $1.30 + $1.75 If he had 13 quarters and 7 dimes he would have $3.95 $3.25 + 70c The method used to work this out was dividing 90c by the difference between the value of a dime and a quarter- i.e. 15c . 90 / 15 = 6, so of 20 coins, 6 more were dimes than quarters. Subtract 6 from 20, then halve the result = 7 the lower number is 7, the higher number is 7+6, = 13. Please also note that 'Quarters' is spelled with 2 'r's

How much ARE three quarters and four dimes?

Three quarters are 75 cents and four dimes are 40 cents. $0.75 + $0.40 = $1.15 (a dollar and 15 cents).

How many ways can you make 2.00 using quarters and dimes?

Well, honey, if we're talking about quarters and dimes, there are actually 6 ways you can make $2.00. You can have 8 quarters and 0 dimes, 6 quarters and 2 dimes, 4 quarters and 4 dimes, 2 quarters and 6 dimes, 0 quarters and 10 dimes, or just a fancy mix of quarters and dimes. So, go ahead and make it rain with those coins!

How many ways can you make 2.50 from quarters and dimes?

To make $2.50 from quarters (worth 25 cents) and dimes (worth 10 cents), we can set up a system of equations. Let q represent the number of quarters and d represent the number of dimes. The equations would be 25q + 10d = 250 (representing the total value in cents) and q + d = 25 (representing the total number of coins). Solving these equations simultaneously, we find that there are 6 ways to make $2.50 using quarters and dimes.

How many dimes are in 15 quarters?

15 quareters = 15 x .25 = $3.75 since a dime = $0.10 then divide 3.75/.10 = 37.5 37 dimes and a nickel left over