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It is Sodium Chloride, so has the chemical symbol NaCl. This means that for each atom of Sodium, there is one atom of Chlorine.

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Q: What is the ratio of atoms in table salt?
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What is the ratio of sodium atoms to oxygen atoms?

In sodium chloride (table salt), the ratio of sodium atoms to oxygen atoms is 1:0, as there are no oxygen atoms present in pure table salt.

Is table salt a atom?

Table salt is not an atom itself, but it is composed of atoms. Table salt, or sodium chloride, is a compound made up of sodium atoms and chlorine atoms bonded together through chemical bonds.

How many atoms of oxygen are in salt?

There are no atoms of oxygen in salt. Salt, or sodium chloride, is composed of positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions, without any oxygen atoms in its chemical structure.

What atoms comprise table salt?

Table salt is sodium chloride, so it consists of sodium and chlorine.

What is the ratio of atoms for the compound NaCl?

The compound NaCl, also known as sodium chloride or table salt, consists of one sodium atom (Na) for every one chlorine atom (Cl). Therefore, the ratio of atoms in NaCl is 1:1.

What is ratio of carbon atoms to oxygen atoms in table sugar?

The ratio of carbon atoms to oxygen atoms in table sugar (sucrose) is 12:11. This means that for every 12 carbon atoms, there are 11 oxygen atoms in the molecular formula of sucrose (C12H22O11).

How many atoms are in the chemical formula for table salt?

2 atoms. NaCl

How many hydrogen atoms are in salt?

There are no hydrogen atoms in salt (sodium chloride). Salt is composed of sodium and chlorine ions, not hydrogen atoms.

Is table salt an element or compound?

A Compound.

What is the difference between table salt and glucose?

well they are both deadly atoms i think um yeah

How much atoms of carbon are in a molecule of table salt?


What is table salt compound?

Table salt is mainly sodium chloride - a compound with equal parts (in atoms or moles) of sodium and chlorine.