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The answer depends on how many of females and how many non-females are in the room. The question provides no information on these and therefore there can be no sensible answer.

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Willy Cummings

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Q: What is the ratio of people in the room who are females?
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What is the ratio of people in the room who are female?

The answer depends on how many of females and how many non-females are in the room. The question provides no information on these and therefore there can be no sensible answer.

What is the ratio 9 males 11 females?

The ratio of males to females is 9:11, meaning for every 9 males, there are 11 females.

What is the ratio of males to females in the medical field?

The ratio of males to females in the medical field was about 10 females to every 13 males in the 1970s. The CDC has estimated that this ratio has become almost balanced as of 2010.

What is the formula for sex ratio?

Sex ratio is ratio of males to females in a population.

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The male to female ratio for black people can be find out :By finding the number of males who are black.By finding number of females that are black.By diving the number of male by female.

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The mass ratio of people to flies is 1000:1 and, since they are in the same room it may be safe to assume that the force of gravity remains the same so that the weight ratio is also 1000:1.There is insufficient information to answer the question about the numbers ratio.

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The ratio of females to males is 55:45, or simplified to 11:9. This means for every 11 females, there are 9 males.

What is the ratio of males to females in Singapore?

96 males to 100 females.

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What is the ratio between boy or girl in the world?

Sex ratio denotes the ratio of males to females in a population. The primary sex ratio is the ratio at the time of conception, secondary sex ratio is the ratio at time of birth, and tertiary sex ratio is the ratio of adult human beings. According to CIA estimates the current world sex ratio at birth is 107 boys to 100 girls. In 2010 the global sex ratio was 986 females to 1000 males, which got further reduced to 984 females to 1000 males in 2011.

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latest count in the US shows 'a slight predominance of females'

Can a man or woman be a veterinarian?

Both males and females can and do become and work as veterinarians; currently in the United States the gender ratio is skewed heavily towards females (current veterinary student ratio is about 4 females to 1 male).