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MTBF = 1/failure rate R(t) = e (-t/MTBF)

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Q: What is the relationship between reliability and failure rate?
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Define failure rate in reliability?

When determining how reliable something is, a benchmark called "Mean Time Between Failures" is often used. It's usually represented as "MTBF". That means, the average time that a component will operate continuously.

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Richard E. Barlow has written: 'Statistical theory of reliability and life testing: probability models' -- subject(s): Statistical methods, Reliability (Engineering), Accelerated life testing 'Reliability growth during a development testing program' -- subject(s): Reliability (Engineering) 'Tolerance and confidence limits for classes of distributions based on failure rate' -- subject(s): Reliability (Engineering) 'Reliability and Fault Tree Analysis'

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As stroke volume increases, pump rate decreases. This is an inverse relationship.

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Who discovered the relationship between cleanliness and infection rate.?

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