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The answer depends on the cross sectional area of the wire. This is not given.

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Q: What is the resistance of a 6 000 foot piece of 1 0 copper wire?
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Is the resistance of a 1 ft piece of copper wire the same as a 2 ft piece?


What are the three factors that would give a piece of copper wire high resistance?

High resistance in a copper wire can be caused by factors like a longer wire length, a thinner wire diameter, and the material's high temperature, which increases resistance due to increased collisions among electrons.

A piece of copper wire was cut into n equal parts these parts are connected in parallel how will the resistance of the parallel combination compare with the resistance of the wire?

The resulting resistance of the parallel combination will be the resistance of the original wire divided by n squared.

What would reduce resistance in a copper wire?

Reducing the temperature of the wire will decrease its resistance. Also, using a wire with a larger cross-sectional area will lower resistance since there is more room for electrons to flow. Finally, using a more conductive material than copper, such as silver, can reduce resistance.

Which material has a greater resistance aluminum or copper wire?

Copper wire has greater resistance than aluminum wire. This is because copper is a better conductor of electricity than aluminum. This means that copper wire will have less resistance and will be able to carry more current with less energy loss.

What copper wire would have the highest resistance?

A thicker copper wire will have higher resistance as it will offer more opposition to the flow of electrons compared to a thinner wire. Additionally, a longer copper wire will have higher resistance compared to a shorter wire due to increased distance for the electrons to travel. Finally, a copper wire with impurities or defects will have higher resistance than a pure copper wire.

What is the resistance value of 1 meter copper wire?

The resistance value of a 1 meter copper wire depends on its gauge (thickness) and temperature. For example, a 1 meter wire of 24-gauge copper has a resistance of about 25.67 ohms at room temperature. It is important to consider these factors when calculating the resistance of copper wire.

Can copper and alluminium wire of same length and diameter have same resistance?

No, copper and aluminum wire of the same length and diameter will not have the same resistance. Copper has a lower resistivity than aluminum, so a copper wire will have lower resistance compared to an aluminum wire of the same length and diameter.

What has the lowest resistance copper wire or iron wire?

Copper wire has lower resistance compared to iron wire. This is because copper is a better conductor of electricity due to its higher electrical conductivity and lower resistivity.

What are the dependent variables in a copper wire resistance experiment?

The dependent variables in a copper wire resistance experiment would typically be the resistance of the copper wire being measured. This would vary based on factors like the length and thickness of the wire, as well as the temperature.

Which wire would have the lowest resistance a long thin iron wire at a high temperature or a short thick copper wire at a low temperature?

The short thick copper wire at a low temperature would have the lowest resistance. Copper has lower electrical resistance than iron, and a shorter, thicker wire has lower resistance compared to a long thin wire, regardless of the temperature.

What happens to the resistance of copper wire as the temperature of the wire increases?

The resistance of copper wire increases as the temperature of the wire increases. This is due to the increase in collisions between free electrons and atoms in the wire, which hinders the flow of electricity.