

Best Answer

To find the sum of the interior angles and the sum of the exterior angles

of any polygon.

To review linear measurement to the nearest sixteenth of an inch and

angle measurement to the nearest degree.

To construct a polygon and its exterior angles given the number of sides.

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Q: What is the rule for finding out the sum interior angle of a polygon?
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What is the rule to get the number of sides of a regular polygon when given the interior angle?

180-interior angle = exterior angle 360/exterior angle = number of sides

Which of these two regular polygons has the larger interior angle a heptagon or triangle?

It is the regular heptagon which has the larger interior angle. The rule is that as the number of sides of a regular polygon increases then the external angle decreases while the interior angle increases The summation of the interior and external angleof one vertex is 180 degrees.

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The octagon. The rule is that as the number of sides of a regular polygon increases then the external angle decreases while the interior angle increases The summation of the interior and external angleof one vertex is 180o.

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The measure of one interior angle of a regular polygon with 20 sides is 162°.The general rule to find the measure of the interior angle of a polygon with n sides is:( n - 2 ) * 180° / nIn the case of our 20-gon, n equals 20, so...( 20 - 2 ) * 180° / 2018 * 180° / 203240° / 20162°

What is the rule of the interior angles of a polygon?

(number of sides - 2)*180 = total sum of interior angles

What is a rule for finding the number of diagnols for a polygon with N sides?

The rule is: 0.5*(N2-3N) = number of diagonals

What is the rule for the sum of angles inside of a polygon?

It is: ('n'-2)*180 = sum of interior angles whereas 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon

What polygon has each of its angles at 27 degrees?

There can't be any such polygon. The regular polygon with the smallest interiorangles is the equilateral triangle. Each of those is 60°, and as you add more sides,the interior angles get bigger ... 90° in a square, 108° in a pentagon etc.If you start with the general rule that the sum of the interior angles of a polygonwith 'n' sides is (n - 2) times 180°, and work it backwards, then you'd get 27° foreach interior angle of a regular polygon with 2.353 sides. Nice job !

Is there a rule for the sum of angles inside a polygon?

Yes and it is: ('n'-2)*180 = sum of interior angles whereas 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon

What is the rule for finding the interior angles of a shape?

(number of angles -2)*180

What is the angle sum rule for all quadrilaterals?

The sum of all (interior) angles must equal 360 degrees

How can the differences between a concave and a convex polygon be described?

In a concave polygon a figure has an inverted point. This means all of the exterior angles do no = 360 and the interior angles do not follow the rule (number of sides - 2)180 to get the interior angle sum. Which is all important to geometry. To find out if a polygon is convex or concave take an imaginary rubber band and stretch it around the polygon. If it does not fit snugly then the polygon is concave. For instance if you had a giant square the rubber band would touch all four vertexes and have no gaps. A giant four sided V thought would have a gap between the two tips of the V and prove it was concave.