Decimals are numbers that can be expressed like this. 10.56 or 16.4 or 46.324672462 These numbers show that the numbers are between whole numbers.
Fractions do the same thing. Fractions tell you the number between the two whole numbers, just more accurately. For example.. 3/4 is a number between 0 and 1. The fraction 23/7 is a number between 3 and 4 and if you do this on a calculator and turn it into decimal form you will get a large amount of decimals. this proves that the fraction form is more accurate.
These are all the same number:decimal 0.03077fraction 2/65percent 3.077%
A decimal rational number can be expressed as a fraction A decimal irrational number can not be expressed as a fraction
The value is the same, the whole number ( to the left of the decimal point ) is the same, but the fraction of 1 ( to the right of the decimal point) can be expressed as either a fraction or a decimal depending on its use, so for example: 1.375 is the same as 1 3/8
A decimal is said the same as the fraction. 0.2 is said as two tenths,so the fraction is 2 . ---- 10
The decimal 2.14560 can be simplified to the fraction 42912/20000 by removing the decimal point and reducing the fraction to its simplest form. The fraction is equivalent to 10728/5000 when further simplified. The decimal 2.1456 is equivalent to the fraction 2682/1250 when simplified. The fractions are not the same due to the additional zero in the first decimal number.
What are you trying to say ?
Same value -- different formats 37/100 (fraction) = 0.37 (decimal) = 37%
EX. 1.1=1 1 10
These are all the same number:decimal 0.03077fraction 2/65percent 3.077%
A decimal rational number can be expressed as a fraction A decimal irrational number can not be expressed as a fraction
The value is the same, the whole number ( to the left of the decimal point ) is the same, but the fraction of 1 ( to the right of the decimal point) can be expressed as either a fraction or a decimal depending on its use, so for example: 1.375 is the same as 1 3/8
All decimals are worked in devisions of 10. Fraction can be a division of any number.
A decimal is said the same as the fraction. 0.2 is said as two tenths,so the fraction is 2 . ---- 10
It is already expressed as a decimal and it is the same as 4.441
The decimal 2.14560 can be simplified to the fraction 42912/20000 by removing the decimal point and reducing the fraction to its simplest form. The fraction is equivalent to 10728/5000 when further simplified. The decimal 2.1456 is equivalent to the fraction 2682/1250 when simplified. The fractions are not the same due to the additional zero in the first decimal number.
Neither, they are the same. For instance the decimal number 0.75 is equal to the fraction of 3/4.
A decimal becase a decimal can be any fraction