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The multiple of ten can be reduced to the smaller number by moving the decimal place of the numerator one place to the left. However, this may only be a marginal short cut.

For example, dividing 1256 by 3450 is equivalent to dividing 125.6 by 345 but that is hardly a shortcut!

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Q: What is the shortcut for dividing a number by a multiple of 10?
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Move the decimal point, the same number of places as the power of 10. That way ---> to multiply. This way <--- to divide.

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Use a calculator. Take 9000000 and divide by 1000. Or the shortcut in dividing by factors of 10 is to simply remove the number of zeroes that your dividing by. Dividing by 1000 means take off 3 zeroes from your original number. 9000

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Multiple the fraction with the number. For example, what is 1/2 of 10? 1/2 * 10 = 5.

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Count the number of zeros to the left of the decimal point in the multiple of ten that you are using: Examples: 10 (1 zero); 1,000,000 (6 zeroes); 100.0 (2 zeroes) Move the decimal point to the right by that number of spaces (if you run out of spaces to move the decimal point then add a zero) Examples: 5 * 1,000 = 5000 .005 * 10000 = 50 5000 * 10 = 5000

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There is no multiple of 10 that's a factor of 45.

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A Quotient is a number which when multiplied by the dividing number yields the divisor. Ex: 10/2 = 5 Here 10 is the divisor, 2 is the dividing number and 5 is the quotient. 2 * 5 = 10.

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To write in scientific notation, you first need to divide the number by a multiple of 10 such that the answer is between 0 and 10. In this case, we get 3.9 by dividing by 100. Then you need to find what multiple of 10 your divisor is. 100 is 102. You then put these two values (3.9 and 102) together as a multiplication, and that's how you write the initial number in scientific notation: 3.9x102

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Not with negative numbers. -10 is a multiple of -2.

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by dividing d number by 10