No, for any number n greater than zero, the LCM of n and n is n.
33 is the first composite number that is greater than 30 but is not a multiple of 2
No number between 61 and 107 is a multiple of 41020. A multiple is a number that another number can divide into. The lowest multiple of any number is itself. You may have meant factors, which is a number that divides into a multiple of itself. In that case there is a factor of 41020 between 61 and 107. That number is 70.
It is not possible for any multiple of a prime number to be prime.
As a general rule, multiples tend to be larger than factors. This is not always true. 9 is a factor of 27. 6 is a multiple of 3. The important distinction is in the relationship to the number they are factors or multiples of. A factor will be equal to or lesser than the number. A multiple will be equal to or greater than the number.
If it's a whole-number "multiple" and the number itself is positive,then the multiple is always greater than the number itself.
No, it is a factor. Multiples are always greater than the number itself, factors are smaller.
yes a multiple is the answer of the number multiplied by a whole number
Not necessarily. A number is also a multiple of itself.
Yes. You can always multiply a number by 1.. and get the number you started with.. so every number is a multiple of itself.
negative Example would be. 0.1x0.1=0.01
There is no greatest multiple of any number: whatever multiple of 4 you say is the greatest I can always add 4 and get an even greater multiple.
No, not when negative numbers are involved. For example, -2 is a multiple of both -1 and 1 and is not greater than either.
It's both ! Any number is always a multiple and a factor of itself.
No, that is not true.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. The lowest multiple of any positive number is the number itself.
There is NO greatest common multiple because I can always add another lowest common multiple and get an ever greater number that is a common multiple.