101 is the smallest palindrome.
Since palindrome denotes a word that reads the same forwards as backwards, a one-digit palindrome would not make sense.
The smallest 3-digit palindrome is 101.
The smallest 3-digit palindrome number is 101.
The smallest palindrome is 1 or I
101 is the smallest palindrome.
Since palindrome denotes a word that reads the same forwards as backwards, a one-digit palindrome would not make sense.
Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.
A palindrome reads the same forward and in reverse. This tells me that at leastthe first digit and the last digit must be the same. So it's not possible to have a6-digit palindrome "with no same digits".The largest 6-digit palindrome, with just enough repetition of digits to make it apalindrome and no more, would be 987,789 .
A palindromic number can have as few as one digit, and as many as infinity. The smallest palindromic number is zero and the largest is '999... to infinity'.