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There is no such number. The empty set is a subset of rational numbers and, by definition, it contains no numbers so nothing that can be common to any other subset.

Alternatively, all rational numbers less than -1 and all rational numbers greater than 1 are subsets of rational numbers. There is no number common to them.

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Q: What is the smallest digit that's common in all subsets of the rational numbers?
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What is the smallest digit that's common in all subset of the rational numbers?

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The one thing they have in common is that they are both so-called "real numbers". You can think of them as points on the "real number line".Both are infinitely dense, in the sense that between any two rational numbers, you can find another rational number. The same applies to the irrational numbers. Thus, there are infinitely many of each. However, the infinity of irrational numbers is a larger infinity than that of the rational numbers.

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By finding their common denominator & adding the top numbers of-the fractions. : )

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They are real numbers, so they share all the properties of real numbers.

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