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There is no such number.S = {1, 2} and T = {£, 4} are two subsets of rational numbers. They have no digit in common.

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Q: What is the smallest digit that's common in all subset of the rational numbers?
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What is the smallest digit that's common in all subsets of the rational numbers?

There is no such number. The empty set is a subset of rational numbers and, by definition, it contains no numbers so nothing that can be common to any other subset.Alternatively, all rational numbers less than -1 and all rational numbers greater than 1 are subsets of rational numbers. There is no number common to them.

Are the rational numbers a subset of integers?

No, integers are a subset of rational numbers.

Are all rational numbers in the set of whole numbers?

No. But all whole numbers are in the set of rational numbers. Natural numbers (ℕ) are a subset of Integers (ℤ), which are a subset of Rational numbers (ℚ), which are a subset of Real numbers (ℝ),which is a subset of the Complex numbers (ℂ).

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No, rational numbers are not a subset of integers.

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Integers are a subset of rational numbers which are a subset of real numbers which are a subset of complex numbers ...

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What is example of subset in math?

The set of Rational Numbers is a [proper] subset of Real Numbers.

What Whole number is a subset of rational numbers?

A whole number is not a set of any kind and so cannot be a subset of rational numbers.

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Are natural numbers a subset of rational numbers?

Yes, they are.

What is the relationship between counting numbers whole numbers integers and rational numbers?

Counting numbers are a proper subset of whole numbers which are the same as integers which are a proper subset of rational numbers.

Are rational numbers Count as a whole number?

No, whole numbers are only a small subset of rational numbers.