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(273)1/2 = [(33)3]1/2 = 33*3*1/2 = 34.5 = 140.296 (approx)

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Q: What is the square root of 27 cubed?
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What is the square root of nine the cubed?

The square root of 9 cubed is equal to 27.

What is the square rout of 27 cubed?

Square root: √27 = 5.196152423 Result of squared root cubed: 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 = 140.2961154293 (Or 140.303 to 2 decimal places.)

The two-digit number whose cube root is the square root of the sum of its digits?

27 27 = 3*3*3 (3 cubed = 27) 2+7 = 9 The square root of 9 is 3.

What the square root of 36 then cubed?

The square root of 36 is 6. 6 cubed is 216.

What is the inverse operation of finding the cubed root?

The inverse of finding the cube root is cubing the number. For example, the cubed root of 27 is 3. 3 cubed, (or 33) is 27.

B to the m divided by n power?

it means you need to do B to the power m, then take the nth root of your answer. eg 9 to the power 3/2, means you do 9 cubed and then square root your answer. in this case, its easier to do the square root first and then cube your answer as the square root of 9 is 3, and 3 cubed is 27. therefore 3 to the power 3/2 equals 27

What is the squared root of 9 then cubed?

-27 or +27

Why does 9 to the power of 3 over 2 equal 27?

93/2 = 27 because the square root of 9 is 3 and 3 cubed = 27

What is the square root of 16 then cubed?

The square root of 16 is four. Four cubed is 4 x 4 x 4 = 64

What is the square root of 22 cubed?

First find the square root. 11 cubed. Then do 11•11•11. Do it from there. HINT: The answer is above 1,000.

What is square root of 216 and then cube it?

The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.

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