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Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2

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Q: What is the surface area of tennis ball?
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What is surface in science?

Surface Area is the term used to describe the area of an object that is exposed. In other words, if you took a tennis ball, the outside of the ball is it's surface area. If you cut the tennis ball in half, the original outside part is still part of the surface area but now include the inside as well.

How can you increase the surface to volume ratio of a basketball and a tennis ball?

To increase the surface area-to-volume ratio of a basketball, you can deflate it slightly, which will cause it to have more wrinkles and bumps on its surface. For a tennis ball, you can cut it into smaller pieces, such as quarters, which will increase the surface area relative to its volume.

How will increasing the diameter of the tennis ball slow a ball in the air?

the more surface area, the more friction, the more the drag

Why does a tennis ball go farther and higher than a soccer ball with the same mass?

That is because of air resistance. Since the soccer ball has a greater surface area (and holds the same shape as the tennis ball), it will see greater air resistance against that surface, thus slowing it and stopping it quicker.

The easiest way to find the area and volume of a tennis ball?

A tennis ball is a spherical shape. Surface area of a sphere in square units = 4*pi*radius2 Volume of a sphere in cubic units = 4/3*pi*radius3

What is the radius of a tennis ball with a surface area of 28 in?

Surface area: 4*pi*radius2 = 28 Making the radius the subject of the above gives it a value of 1.49270533 or about 1.5 inches

What is the area of tennis ball?


What surface makes a tennis ball bounce higher?


Would a tennis ball bounce high on a soft surface?


Who would want to know does the surface affect the way the tennis ball bounces?

Tons of tennis would like to how the ball bounces on different types of court surfaces. Becuase of the surface a player will have to change his/her gameplain to fit the surface. So basically anyone playing tennis seriously.

Why does a tennis ball not bounce that much on grass?

Because it has a soft surface.

Will a hot tennis ball bounce higher than a cold tennis ball?

In theory, yes, however the largest effect of the temperature will be on the court. The hotter the surface is, the higher the ball will bounce.