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I will assume that you mean " to the power of two ". A symbol for any n-power is to put the number (n) on the side, above the number.

Like this: nn.

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Q: What is the symbol for a square in math?
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What is another word for the square root symbol?

A radical. Math is √!

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it means square root. Ö9 = 3

How do you find the base of a square in math?

To find the square root of a number you would use the square root symbol on the calculator, √, then enter the number. Ex.: √25=5.

Where is square root symbol on PC?

not on your keyboard. But there will in most word processing programmes a character map, and in this you'll find a sq root symbol, at least in the math character sets.

Symbol for the math term area?

A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.

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The symbol is §

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if it has a square root sign or any symbol (ie. x or pi) then it is irrational. everything else is

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Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.

Math terms that begin with the letter S?

* subtract * solve * scalene (type of triangle) * square * square root * sum * six * seven * square feet * symmetry * symbol * set * sub set * sine

Who was the introducer of the math symbol e?

Euler created the symbol.

What is the square root of -19?

No negative number can have a real square root.In math and engineering, the symbol ' i ' is used to representthe square root of -1 .Then the square root of -19 can be written as 4.3589 i (rounded).

Square kilometers symbol?

The symbol for square kilometers is km².