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A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry

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Q: What is the symmetrical of a rectangle?
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Related questions

Why is a rectangle symmetrical?

because it is.

How many pairs of symmetrical sides does a rectangle have?

It has two pairs of symmetrical (same length) sides.

Does a pentagon rectangle and a right triangle have symmetrical lines?


Can you use a diagonal line to make a rectangle symmetrical?


Will diogonally cutting a rectangle produce a symmetrical shape?

No not at all

What are the 4 symmetrical quadrilaterals?

square, rectangle, kite and an isosceles trapezoid

Which shape are symmetrical and have 2 pairs of parallel lines?

Square, Rectangle.

How does geometry beautify human lives?

Because of its perfect symmetrical shapes as for example the golden rectangle.

What are 4 shape names that are symmetrical and that have 2 pairs of parallel sides?

rectangle,kite,trapizium and a sqare

Is rectangle a symmetric shape?

Yes, a shape is symmetrical if it can be cut in half in any way, and be the same on both sides.

What are the symmetrical shapes?

they are shapes that are the same on the other side e.g a rectangle ....if you put a mirror on the shape if you look in the mirror it will look the same

Is every rectangle a square?

No indeed, but every square is a rectangle. Rectangles have four sides like squares, but they don't have all sides congruent to one another. All rectangles do not possess the same symmetrical lines as squares.