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Q: What is the term for the point where angle bisectors of a triangle meet?
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What is the point in a triangle where all three angle bisectors meet?

The point in a triangle where all three angle bisectors meet is called the incenter.

What describes the point where three angle bisectors of a triangle meet?

The point where all three angle bisectors meet is the centre of the incircle - the circle which touches all the sides of the triangle (alternatively described as the circle for which the sides of the triangle are tangents).

In any triangle the point where the angle bisectors meet is called?

point of concurrency (incenter)

The angle bisectors of a triangle share a common point of what?

The three bisectors meet at a point which is the centre of the circle. is you draw the circle that has that point as centre and 1 of the corners as a point on the circle, all corners will be on the circle

In ABC the angle bisectors meet at point D. Point E is on and is perpendicular to . Point F is the location where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle meet. What is the radius of t?

The radius is DE

What do you called the intersection point of angle bisector?

The three angle bisectors in a triangle always intersect in one point, and this intersection point always lies in the interior of the triangle. The intersection of the three angle bisectors forms the center of the circle in- scribed in the triangle. (The circle which is tangent to all three sides.) The angle bisectors meet at the incenter which has trilinear coordinates.

In any triangle when bisectors meet at one point then the bisectors are called?

This point is called the incentre of the triangle.

What is the center of the largest circle that you could draw inside a given triangle?

The incentre, which is the point at which the angle bisectors meet.

What is the intersection of three angle bisectors of a triangle called?

Orthocenter My improvement: The three angle bisectors will intersect at a point called the incenter. At this point it also the center of the largest possible circle within the triangle. Since a circle has a center point, this point within the triangle is called the incenter. The three heights of a triangle will meet at a special point called the orthocenter.

In a triangle where the point perpendicular bisectors meet is called?


What is the term for the point where the perpendicular bisectors in a triangle meet?

They meet at right angles

The perpendicular bisectors of a triangle all pass through what point?

all three perpendicular bisectors elongate to meet at the incenter of the triangle.