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It is called the origin, or the point (0, 0).

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Q: What is the term used to identify where the vertical and horizontal lines of a graph meet?
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The horizontal and vertical number lines used in a graph?


What has horizontal and vertical number lines?

A four-quadrant graph.

What a vertical line of a graph?

Vertical lines go up and down. Horizontal lines go left to right.

What is a visual with vertical and horizontal lines to plot supply and demand?


Does a bar graph have to include horizontal lines?

Yes, without them you can't display the data correctly. A graph has a horizontal and vertical axis.

Would you interpretations be different if the graph had vertical bars instead horizontal bars Explain?

yes because horizontal lines are across and vertical lines is up n down

What term is used to describe a visual with vertical and horizontal lines plot supply and demand?


What is vertical and horizontal line?

horizontal lines are lines which may be at the angle of 00,1800,3600.if vertical lines stand on horizontal lines it is in the angle of 900

What is used to identify where the vertical and horizontal lines of a graph meet?

It is at the point of origin whose coordinate is at (0, 0) where the x and y axes intersect each other at right angles on the Cartesian plane.

What is the intersection of the horizontal and vertical number lines?

Orgin is the intersection of horizontal and vertical number lines.

A vertical or horizontal line used in graphs is called a?

Vertical and horizontal lines in most graphs are called axes (plural of axis). They create the plane on which the graph sits. The X axis is the horizontal axis and goes across the graph. The Y axis is vertical axis and goes up and down the graph. They could also be lines which depict places that the graph never touches; this would be called an asymptote.

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal lines?

vertical lines run from top to bottom, horizontal lines run from left to right the difference between the two is 90 degrees if you place vertical lines next to horizontal lines.