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Q: What is the total mass of rn 222 remaining in an original 160 mg sample of rn 222 after 19.1 days?
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How many days remaining from February 5 2008 up to July 15 2008?

121 days

How many days are in august and how many days are in September?

There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.There are 31 days in August and there are 30 days in September, which is a total of 61 days.

How much of radioactive substance remains after 15 hours if it's half life is 5 hours?

The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time that it takes for half of the atoms to decay. With a half-life of 10 days, half has decayed in this time. After 20 days, a further 10 days/another half life, a further half of the remainder has decayed, so 1/4 of the original material remains, 1/4 of 15g is 3.75 grams. This is the amount of original radioactive substance remaining, but it’s daughter isotope ( what the decay has produced ) is also present, so the original sample mass is effectively constant, especially in a sealed container. Even in an unsealed container, and assuming alpha ( helium nucleii) emission, a drop in mass per radioactive atom of 4 Atomic Mass units, compared with the original atom of, say 200 amu is only 2% mass decrease, less for heavier decaying nucleii.

Why does March have 5 weeks?

There are 31 days in March. March in 2015 only has four full weeks of 7 days, with 3 days remaining.

How long is 30 days in weeks?

4 weeks and 2 days. 30 divided by 7 equals 4 with 2 remaining.

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What is the total mass of 222Rn remaining in an original 160-milligram sample of 222Rn after 19.1 days?

To find the remaining mass of a radioactive isotope after a certain time, you can use the radioactive decay formula: [M_{\text{final}} = M_{\text{initial}} \times \left( \frac{1}{2} \right)^{\frac{t}{t_{1/2}}}] Given that the half-life of (^{222}\text{Rn}) is 3.8 days, and the initial mass is 160 milligrams, you can substitute these values into the formula to find the final mass.

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To determine the original mass that remains after 21 hours, we first convert 21 hours to days (21 hours/24 hours per day = 0.875 days). Then, we can calculate the fraction of Rn-222 remaining after this time by raising 1/2 to the power of (0.875/4). This fraction can then be multiplied by the original mass to find the mass remaining.

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If a radioactive sample contains 1.25g of an isotope with a half-life of 4.0 days, then 0.625g (1/2) of the isotope will remain after 4.0 days, 0.3125g (1/4) after 8.0 days, 0.15625g (1/8) after 12.0 days, etc. AT = A0 2(-T/H)

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