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Q: What is the unknown amount or amounts that are represented as letters in an equation called?
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What does the b stand for in equation?

In an equation b or any other letters usually denotes the unknown variable.

What does b stand for in an equation?

In an equation b or any other letters usually denotes the unknown variable.

What is the equation for a number subtracted from -18 amounts to 156?

x - 18 = 156. The x is the unknown quantity, the rest of the equation you have. Now solve it and prove it.

What does the letters in algebra stand for?

The letters in algebra stand for unknown numbers or amounts that you are trying to find out (calculate).For instance you have 3 things and you want to find out how many you have to add to get 5 things. You call the unknown amount X (or any letter you like) and you use an algebra equation to find the answer. So:3 + X (the unknown) = 5...and you already know the answer is 2, but when you learn the rules of calculating with algebra, you will be able to find the answers to much more complicated mathematical questions. Basically, you call the unknowns any letter you want, then you make an equation using the numbers you do know, and then you solve the equation.

What is an unknown quantity represented by a letter?

In mathematics, an unknown quantity represented by a letter is usually called a variable. Variables are used to symbolize values that can vary in an equation or formula. They allow us to write general expressions that can represent multiple possible scenarios.

What does the b stand for in an equation?

In an equation b or any other letters usually denotes the unknown variable.

How are letters and symbols used in equations?

Letters and symbols are used in equations to represent quantities, sometimes known or unknown. For example the symbol π (pi) represents the constant 3.14… and is unchanging. X or Y in an equation represent unknown terms that may vary depending on the equation, and other variables in the equation. There are numerous examples of both symbols and letters used in mathematical equations, but almost always they are either referring to a known constant term that is more simply expressed as a symbol, or an unknown or general term yet to be concretely determined.

What is it called an unknown number represented by a letter or symbol?

An unknown number represented by a letter or symbol is a variable.

Which equation has the same unknown value as 430 5?

"430 5" is not an equation and it does not have an unknown value. So there can be no equation which has the same unknown value.

What is a unknown or change quantity?

An unknown or changing quantity is a variable in a mathematical equation or problem that is not fixed but can take different values. It is typically represented by a letter, such as x or y, and its value needs to be determined in order to solve the problem.

What is branch of mathematics where unknown numbers can be represented by letters?

algebra? The unknown numbers of which you speak are called variables. "algebra" oxford dictionary definition = investigation of properties of numbers using letters etc as general symbolsAll branches of mathematics have the opportunity to utilize letters instead of numbers. This is called a variable and they are found in every branch of mathematics.

In arithmetic variables look like .?

In arithmetic, letters used to represent unknown numbers are called variables. Variables are usually represented by letters (x, y, z) or (a, b, c), or may be followed by subscript numbers or letters. If you are here for apex the answer is boxes