The letters in algebra stand for unknown numbers or amounts that you are trying to find out (calculate).
For instance you have 3 things and you want to find out how many you have to add to get 5 things. You call the unknown amount X (or any letter you like) and you use an algebra equation to find the answer. So:
3 + X (the unknown) = 5...and you already know the answer is 2, but when you learn the rules of calculating with algebra, you will be able to find the answers to much more complicated mathematical questions. Basically, you call the unknowns any letter you want, then you make an equation using the numbers you do know, and then you solve the equation.
Algebra makes use of letters and mathematical symbols.
Algebra is the branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals. Algebra is an extremely important foundation of every branch of mathematics.
It is algebra that uses letters to represent numbers and also Roman numerals.
The point of using letters in algebra is that they can stand for any number (or a range of numbers that are, as yet, unspecified). There is no specific letter allocated to a number.
You use variables to stand for numbers in algebra
That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".
This is a trick question, isn't it? Algebra has 7 letters--a-l-g-e-b-r-a.
It has letters instead of numbers.
Lots of letters and numbers
No, they do not. Although it is using letters to represent numbers, Roman numbers are fixed symbols, unlike letters in algebra which represent variables.
all the letters in the alphabet are used to represent variables in algebra. also in some advanced mathematics letters from the greek alphabet are used.
If you have letters together, like xy +2, it means you multiply