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The usage of trig. in Mechanical Engineering is extensive. Trig. is used in almost every branch of the subject, especially where quantitative answers are needed to real physical problems such as the size of stresses in structural parts or the volume and frequency of a vibration.

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Q: What is the usage of trigonometry in mechanical engineering?
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Usage of trigonometry in mechanical engineering?

Trig is used in inspection. This is the department where every component made will be checked to make sure that it has been made to a satisfactory standard. Trig simply calculates all angles when taking other diemsions, so anles can be worked out.

Does mechanical engineering require math?

You need to take up to 4 years of calculus, as well as many science classes in physics and chemistry. Classes in algebra and trigonometry may be prerequisites for calculus.

Who are the persons involved in the field of trigonometry?

Trigonometry has the most application in Engineering and Physics.

How is math used in robotic engineering?

These are the general math courses in an undergraduate program of Mechanical Engineering. Actually, these are also the math courses required in ANY undergraduate Engineering curriculum: Algebra Trigonometry Analytic Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Mutivariable Calculus Differential Equations

What to study after mechanical engineering?

Study Engineering mechanical

How is trig used in everyday life?

Trigonometry is used in everyday life in various ways. It is used in navigation to calculate distances and angles, in architecture and engineering to design structures and determine angles for construction, and in physics and mechanical engineering to analyze forces and motion. Trigonometry is also used in fields such as astronomy, music, and electrical circuits.

What is a Bachelor of Science in mechanical Engineering compared to Degree in Mechanical Engineering?

It's the same thing. If you have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, you have a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

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Can you do mechanical engineering after a degree in marine engineering?

No. Marine Engineering and Mechanical Engineering courses are many differences.

Which is best industrial engineering or mechanical engineering?

i think mechanical engineering is best because

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Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the design, construction, and use of machines. Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.