"The angle between the wings is 105 to 110 degrees."
When two lines meet it is usual to refer to the angle between them by the smaller of the two angles they form. Both angles always add up to 360..... the usual way of defining an angle is to name the lines that form it, and to do so in a clockwise manner. Looking at the four main compass points (N, E, S and W) and naming the centre as C..... the angle between North and East would be referred to as NCE..... this angle measures 90 degrees. The exterior angle is ECN and is 270 degrees. Usually exterior angles are only referred to when the interior angle is part of an enclosed figure, such as a triangle or other polygon.
A center of mass (CM) of a boomerang, depending upon its particular shape and design, is not located on the device, itself. If you orient the boomerang so that it appears to form the letter V, its CM will be located directly over the vertex. The distance above the vertex will vary depending upon the boomerang's design. When you toss the boomerang, it will spin about its CM. You may be able to determine a boomerang's CM by doing the following: Suspend the device from a string. The CM will align with the string. Since the CM is also located directly above the vertex, the intersection of the line bisecting the vertex and the line extending downward from the string should locate the CM.
Closed-angle glaucoma is a condition in which fluid pressure builds up inside the eye because the fluid, or aqueous humor, that is produced in the anterior chamber at the front of the eye cannot leave the chamber through the usual opening.
Three syllables. Boom-e-rang.
i guess it is the angle you hold the boomerang and when you throw it.
The way or technique to throw the boomerang is to first hold the the end in the horizontal position. Next, make sure you throw it at a 45 degree angle (with the 0 angle being "up" and the 90 degree angle being sideways). When trowing the boomerang angle it slightly up, its easier to make a boomerang come back if you throw it to the sky. Finally, make sure you are throwing into the wind, otherwise it will fly far away. Be careful when throwing it, even a conventional wooden boomerang can hurt someone BADLY.
yes if u throw it correctly at the right angle
A boomerang is a toy that is constructed as a flat aerofoil, designed to spin on a perpendicular axis to the direction of its flight causing it to return to the thrower. It is usually flat and contain two or more arms connected at an angle.
The usual notation is that the central letter is the point of the angle, so P is the answer.
I can give you several sentences.I threw the boomerang across the field.That is going to boomerang back on you.The boomerang was a weapon at one time.
a boomerang that flies high. =_= a boomerang that flies high. =_=
Yes. One. The quadrilateral then looks a bit like a boomerang, according to my daughter. We had to establish this answer in her year 7 maths homework.
'un boomerang'
in a hockey stadium
The island of Boomerang in the South China Sea is the island that is shaped like a boomerang. The island of Smiley, Malaysia also resembles a boomerang at times.
Boomerang is the same in Hebrew as it is in English.