No, a 4-digit number is not always less than a 5-digit number. The value of a number is determined by the digits it contains, not the number of digits. For example, the 4-digit number 9999 is greater than the 5-digit number 1000. It is important to consider the actual numerical value when comparing numbers, not just the number of digits.
Place value only makes sense for a single digit - not a 4-digit number!
In the number 463211889, the digit 4 has the value of 4 x 109, or 4000000000. That gives it the gratest value, numerically in the number as a whole.
Oh, what a happy little question! In the number 468, the digit 4 holds a value of 400. It's like a little tree in a big forest, standing tall and proud. Just remember, each digit has its own special place and value, bringing harmony to the numbers they create.
There are infinitely many answers. One possible answer is 1231231234123.
No, a 4-digit number is not always less than a 5-digit number. The value of a number is determined by the digits it contains, not the number of digits. For example, the 4-digit number 9999 is greater than the 5-digit number 1000. It is important to consider the actual numerical value when comparing numbers, not just the number of digits.
The differences are 400 and 40 respectively
Place value only makes sense for a single digit - not a 4-digit number!
Well, darling, the value of 4 in the number 9048 is 4. It's as simple as that. In the grand scheme of things, that 4 is just hanging out in the hundreds place, minding its own business. So, there you have it, the value of 4 in 9048 is 4.