No, a 4-digit number is not always less than a 5-digit number. The value of a number is determined by the digits it contains, not the number of digits. For example, the 4-digit number 9999 is greater than the 5-digit number 1000. It is important to consider the actual numerical value when comparing numbers, not just the number of digits.
Place value only makes sense for a single digit - not a 4-digit number!
In the number 463211889, the digit 4 has the value of 4 x 109, or 4000000000. That gives it the gratest value, numerically in the number as a whole.
There are infinitely many answers. One possible answer is 1231231234123.
A number does not have a place value - a digit within the number has. For example 234 has no place value but the digit 4 has a place value of 40.
In the number 5.14, the digit 4 is in the hundredths place. This means that the value of the digit 4 is 4/100 or 0.04. The place value of each digit in a decimal number is determined by its position relative to the decimal point.
Well, darling, in the number 2.6741, the 4 holds the value of 4 tenths. So, if we're talking decimals, that little 4 is hanging out in the tenths place, strutting its stuff like it owns the joint. Hope that clears things up for you, sugar.
Place value only makes sense for a single digit - not a 4-digit number!
Well, darling, the value of 4 in the number 9048 is 4. It's as simple as that. In the grand scheme of things, that 4 is just hanging out in the hundreds place, minding its own business. So, there you have it, the value of 4 in 9048 is 4.