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The gravitational constant "G" is the same everywhere. The force of gravity on the moon, expressed as the acceleration of a falling body is 1.62 metres/sec2. compared with 9.81 m/s2 on the earth.

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Q: What is the value of gravitational constant in the surface of moon?
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Value of gravitational constant on earth and moon?

It's the same as that of Earth but the value of g varies from one object to the other. The value of the gravitational constant or the BIG "G" remains constant. I think you confused it with the LITTLE "g" which is the gravitation of a object (one with mass) or the acceleration due to gravity. The value of g on Earth and Moon is 9.8m/s^2 and 1.6249m/s^2, respectively. I hope this answers you all.

Is the spring constant is constant on the moon?

no the spring constant is not constant on moon because there is no restoring force there

What restriction exist in using 9.81 N per kg as the proportionality constant for determining weight?

It is an approximate average value for acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. It is affected by altitude, the density of the material near the surface from place to place. And of course, it is totally useless in space, on the moon or Mars.

Does the moon have gravitational potential energy?

The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.

An astronaut's helmet has a mass of 1.2 kg on earth and weighs 2.6 pounds it weighs 0.4 pounds on the moon and has a mass of how many kilograms?

1.2 kg. Mass is constant regardless of gravitational pull (loction).

Related questions

How do you solve the magnitude of the gravity on the moon?

-- Acceleration of gravity on the moon =(universal gravitational constant) x (moon's mass)/(moon's radius)2-- Gravitational force on any object sitting on the moon's surface =(Acceleration of gravity on the moon) x (mass of the object)-- Universal gravitational constant = 6.67 x 10-11 newton-meter2/kilogram2

IS the gravitaional constant of moon is same as earth?

No, the gravitational constant on the Moon is not the same as on Earth. The gravitational constant depends on the mass and radius of the celestial body. The Moon has a lower mass and radius compared to Earth, resulting in a weaker gravitational constant on the Moon.

How would the potential energy of an object be different on the moon?

The gravitational potential energy would be less for the same height above the surface. This is because the gravitational constant on the moon is less than that of the Earth. Potential energy is defined as mgh, where m is the mass, g is the gravitational constant, and h is the height.

Value of gravitational constant on earth and moon?

It's the same as that of Earth but the value of g varies from one object to the other. The value of the gravitational constant or the BIG "G" remains constant. I think you confused it with the LITTLE "g" which is the gravitation of a object (one with mass) or the acceleration due to gravity. The value of g on Earth and Moon is 9.8m/s^2 and 1.6249m/s^2, respectively. I hope this answers you all.

What phase of the moon does it have the strongest gravitational pull?

The gravitational pull of the moon, on the earth, is almost a constant - whatever its phase.

Value of g in universe?

I think that g (the gravitational constant) varies dependent on your proximity to other massive bodies. For example the value of g on the moon is less than the value of g on earth. It is not constant throughout the universe.

How do astronauts stay on the Moon's surface?

Astronauts on the Moon's surface stay grounded due to the Moon's weaker gravity, which is about 1/6th that of Earth. They also wear space suits with weighted boots to help them stay stable and balanced. Additionally, they can use tools like tethers and handrails attached to the lunar lander for further support.

Why is the gravitational potential energy of an objects 1 meter above the moons surface less than its potential energy 1 meter above Earths surface?

because the value of gravitational force of earth is greater than that of moon.

Besides mass what does gravity depend on?

Gravity also depends on the distance between two objects and the gravitational constant, which is a fundamental constant in physics denoted by G. This constant determines the strength of the gravitational force between objects with mass.

If gravity is same for all bodies why not on moon and earth?

Gravity is the same for all bodies, but the strength of gravity depends on the mass of the objects involved. The Moon has less mass than Earth, so its gravitational force is weaker. This is why you weigh less on the Moon compared to Earth.

About how much is the Moon's gravitational force compares to the earths?

The weight of any object on the surface of the moon is 16.55% of its weight on the surface of the Earth.

How does the gravitational pool of the moon compare to that of earth?

An object on the surface of the moon weighs about 1/6 as muchas it weighs on the surface of the Earth.