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Note that I will be using x as a replacement for theta, and m as a replacement for the coefficient of friction.

When a block on a ramp is in limiting equilibrium, it means it is literally on the edge of moving forwards. In other words, the force pushing it forwards and backwards cancel each other out. Now we have:

the weight of the block= 900N

Reaction force R (the force perpendicular to the ramp acting against the blocks weight)= 900cos(x)

Force down the block = 900sin(x)

Force up the block = mR = 1.3*900cos(x)

As stated earlier the forces up and down the block need to cancel each other out, in other words Force up-Force down=0 giving

1.3*900cos(x) - 900*sin(x) = 0

=> 1.3*900cos(x) = 900sin(x)

=> 1.3 = tan(x)

=> x = arctan(1.3)

=> x = 52.4314 degrees or 0.9151 rad

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Q: What is the value of theta such that a 900 newton block is in limiting equilibrium with mu coefficient of friction equal to 1.3?
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What is the difference between a Newton and a newton?

Newton- Sir Isaac Newton newton- a unit of measure units of measure are not capitalised, though their abbreviations may be: one newton = 1 N, one pascal = 1 Pa

How much force is needed to push a 100 kg at a speed of 13 meters a second?

That question cannot be answered without knowing the force of friction. If you ignore friction the answer is none, you only need force to accelerate an object, if an object is already moving at 13m/s it will continue to until a force acts on it because of inertia, which is newton's first law of motion.

What is the equation to represent the newtons third law of motion?

Newton's Third Law Equation is the vector Law of Equilibrium: 0= dmcv/dR + delxmcv -Del mu/R = m(dv/dt + cv/R sin(v) + ur/R^3) 0= m(dv/dt + fvsin(v) t + fvcos(v) r)= mf(v + sin(v)t + vcos(v) r) where r is the unit radial vector and t is the unit transverse to radial vector and v is the unit vector of the velocity. Newton never conceived of al the terms of this equation. He created a two term equation leaving out the middle term. The Third Law says that conservation of energy gives equilibrium, which means the sum of the forces is zero. Not that the forces are zero but the sum of the forces is zero. Newton's and Einstein's Theory of Gravity needs updating to include the "kinetic energy, mcv to give energy E= -mGM/R + mcv. This update will show that the Universe is in Equilibrium.

Did isaac newton invent the fig newton?


What is the birth name of Irving Fig Newton?

Irving Fig Newton's birth name is Irving Caleb Newton.

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What is the SI unit for Friction?

[Simple Explanation]As friction is a force and the S.I. unit of force is Newton,the S.I. unit of friction is Newton.[Derivative Explanation]F=µN,where F is Frictional force,µ is coefficient of friction,and N is net normal reaction.N = -mgwhere mg is gravitational force whose SI unit is Newton.-(1)Coefficient of friction is dimensionless. -(2)From (1) and (2), SI unit of F = SI unit of N x SI unit of µ = NewtonHence SI of Friction is Newton.

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Arthur-Jules Morin (1795-1880) coined the term "coefficient of friction" and was the first to demonstrate it's applications. Perhaps the first person to experiment with sliding friction was Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) . He discovered the Bilfinger Value and originated Amontons' Laws of friction. They were later rediscovered by Guillaume Amontons in 1699. Morin was able to discover the coefficient of friction thanks to Isaac Newton's Laws of motion.

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To determine the coefficient of static friction, divide the maximum static frictional force (40 N) by the normal force (600 N). The coefficient of static friction would be 40 N / 600 N = 0.067. The coefficient of kinetic friction would depend on the force required to keep the sled moving once it has started moving.

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The equation for friction is F=uN. F (friction), u (coefficient of friction), and N (normal). So you first need to solve for the normal by using Newton's second law. Also solve for the x component of the gravity force. Since it is static friction, you know it should be at rest, so that x component force should be the same as the force of friction. Knowing that and the normal, plug it into the equation and solve for u.

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Friction is a force. I'll get back to that.Weight, which is usually measured in pounds or ounces or grams (depending on where you live or what you're measuring), has an official (SI) unit of newtons. An object's weight depends on the gravity affecting that object. (You probably know that you weigh less on the Moon than you do on Earth.)Gravity, which is a force, is consequently measured in newtons, just like weight. All forces are measured in newtons.Therefore, friction, which is a force, is measured in newtons.

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i hope that the friction and magnetism has a contact in common and friction is also about newton's third law...evan magnetism studies newton's second law...i hope that friction is all about attraction and repulsion...attraction and repulsion are common in magnets there might be a deep relationship between friction and magnetism..!!

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You can find the kinetic friction force by measuring the normal force acting on the object and the net force experienced by the object when it is in motion. By applying Newton's second law (F = ma), where a is the acceleration of the object, you can calculate the kinetic friction force without knowing the coefficient.

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Newton's law is F = ma; when a = 0 (no acceleration) the force is 0 and in static equilibrium. When the net force of all forces is 0 their is no motion and the object is in static equilibrium

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Sir Isic Newton